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Polish Genealogical Resources: Geographical Resources

Last Updated: Jan 8, 2024 4:30 PM

Geographical Resources

  • Slownik geograficzny Krolestwa Polskiego. LML Ref DJK 7 S46 1975 This 15-volume set is a reprint of a geographical dictionary published in 1880, so it lists towns and cities under the names used at that time, just before the period of heaviest emigration to the United Stated. It is in Polish. There are often several towns with the same name. Cites detailed information about churches and populations. It is also available on microfilm on the second floor of Lockwood. (LML Micro MicFilm DJK 7 S46 1880a) Pogonowski, Iwo. 
  • Poland: a historical atlas. LML, LML Pol.Coll. G 1951 S1 P34 1987 Gives a clear outline of changes in Poland's borders over the centuries. Topographical maps of Poland produced by the U.S. Army Map Service. These maps housed in the Map Collection at the Science and Engineering Library, at Capen Hall, have a scale of 1:250,000, so 4 miles of land looks like about an inch. They were produced from the 1940s to 1960s. Gazetteers help you find particular towns on a map.
  • Slownik nazw geograficznych Polski zachodniej i polnocnej. LML Pol.Coll. DK 403 R6 Two volumes. Translates Polish place names to German, and vice versa. Bialecki, Tadeusz. 
  • Nazewnictwo geograficzne miasta Szczecina. LML Pol.Coll. DD 901 S79 B5 Lists geographic names in German and Polish in the Szczecin area. Hrabec, Stefan. 
  • Nazwy dzielnic i okolic Gdanska. LML DD 901 D42 H7 Lists German and Polish geographic names in the Gdansk region.


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