M2 Resources: Fall and Spring Semester Textbooks
Resources for second year medical students.
Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 9:49 AM
Electronic access: Any book that has a hyperlinked title is available online through the University at Buffalo Libraries. Log in with your UBIT name and password if you are off campus.
Print access: Click on the hyperlinked call numbers to check availability. Most print books are housed in Abbott Library on the South Campus. Older editions may be available in the stacks on the 2nd floor in Abbott Library. Check the catalog for details.
IDM 620/621 Clinical Practice of Medicine II
Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination by
ISBN: 9780323761833Publication Date: 2022-03-02Learn how to conduct a patient-centered health history and physical examination! Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach, 10th Edition takes a uniquely interprofessional collaborative approach to health assessment, with a strong emphasis on lifespan considerations and differential diagnosis of unexpected findings. Each core chapter is organized into four sections - Anatomy and Physiology, Review of Related History, Examination and Findings, and Abnormalities - with lifespan content integrated into each area. Written by a team of nurse practitioners and physicians, this one-of-a-kind textbook uses evidence-based guidelines to help you master hands-on exam techniques as well as communication skills that build rapport and trust with the patient.The Clinical Encounter by
Call Number: WB 290 B598c 1999 (Abbott stacks)ISBN: 9780815113744Publication Date: 1998-08-01An essential guide to the first step of patient evaluation interviewing medical students. Section I is a basic guide to the medical interview and to oral and written case presentation. Section II provides interview strategies for example, treating distraught patients, ways to share bad news and how to elicit sensitive information on sexual history or alcohol abuse. Features clear, easy to read writing style to facilitate understanding and aid in improved patient interactions.
IMC-602 Cardiovascular
Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts by
Call Number: WG 102 K63c 2022 (Abbott reserve)ISBN: 9781975150075Publication Date: 2021-03-18Praised for its concise coverage, this highly accessible monograph lays a foundation for understanding the underlying concepts of normal cardiovascular function and offers a welcome alternative to a more mechanistically oriented approach or an encyclopedic physiology text. Clear explanations, ample illustrations and engaging clinical cases and problems provide the perfect guidance for self-directed learning and prepare you to excel in clinical practice.Pathophysiology of Heart Disease by
ISBN: 9781975216627Publication Date: 2025-01-10In this fully revised 8th Edition, Dr. Leonard S. Lilly and a team of internationally recognized Harvard Medical School faculty and select cardiology fellows and internal medicine residents have ensured that you will be equipped with a clear, complete, and clinically relevant understanding of cardiovascular pathophysiology, providing a strong foundation for patient diagnosis and management.Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease by
ISBN: 9780323531139Publication Date: 2020-06-15Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition presents an in-depth, state-of-the-art overview of human diseases and their cellular and molecular basis. This best-selling text delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content.
IMC-604 Respiration and Lung
Wheater's Functional Histology by
ISBN: 9780702083341Publication Date: 2023-05-15Now in its seventh edition, Wheater's Functional Histology is designed to give students a working knowledge of histology, including the basic histological structures, tissue types and organ systems. You will learn to recognize the microscopic structure of normal human tissues and understand how this relates to function. The book shows you how to apply histology in a clinical context through coverage of common clinical conditions in each chapter. This must-have book is written clearly and concisely, designed for those studying histology for the first time.Pulmonary Physiology, Tenth Edition by
ISBN: 9781264270040Publication Date: 2022-08-30Gain a complete understanding of the aspects of pulmonary physiology essential to clinical medicine. For more than 35 years, this trusted review has provided students, residents, and fellows with a solid background in the aspects of pulmonary physiology that are essential for an understanding of clinical medicine. Pulmonary Physiology clearly describes how and why the human respiratory system works in a style that is easy to absorb and integrate with your existing knowledge of other body systems.Robbins and Kumar Basic Pathology by
ISBN: 9780323790185Publication Date: 2022-12-05Robbins and Kumar's Basic Pathology, 11th Edition, offers today's busy students a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts from trusted names in the field. This updated edition thoroughly covers key pathologic processes and the time-honored tools of gross and microscopic analysis, while also retaining a strong emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations and the impact of molecular pathology on the practice of medicine.Netter's Essential Histology by
ISBN: 9780323694643Publication Date: 2020-04-14With strong correlations between gross anatomy and the microanatomy of structures, Netter's Essential Histology, 3rd Edition, is the perfect text for today's evolving medical education. Concise and easy to use, it integrates gross anatomy and embryology with classic histology slides and state-of-the-art scanning electron microscopy, offering a clear, visual understanding of this complex subject.Textbook of Histology by
ISBN: 9780323672726Publication Date: 2020-03-24Textbook of Histology, 5th Edition, brings you up to date with all that's new in the field, while providing a solid foundation in the basic science and clinical application of cellular and molecular biology. Concise and highly illustrated, it functions as both a text and a histology laboratory guide and remains the only histology textbook that includes laboratory exercises for nearly every chapter.
IMC-606/610 Neuroscience and Behavior
Lange Clinical Neurology by
Call Number: WL 100 A517c 2021 (Abbott reserve)ISBN: 9781260458350Publication Date: 2020-11-13Clinical Neurology, Eleventh Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of basic and clinical neurology in a concise, digestible format. It links clinical neuroscience to current approaches for accurately diagnosing and effectively treating neurologic disorders. Covering all the advances in molecular biology and genetics, this popular guide emphasizes history-taking and neurologic examination as the cornerstones of diagnosis.Basic Clinical Neuroscience by
Call Number: WL 101 Y75b 2015 (Abbott reserve)ISBN: 9781451173291Publication Date: 2015-02-26Clinically oriented and student-friendly, Basic Clinical Neuroscience provides the anatomic and pathophysiologic basis necessary to understand neurologic abnormalities. This concise but comprehensive text emphasizes the localization of specific medically important anatomic structures and clinically important pathways, using anatomy-enhancing illustrations.Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry by
ISBN: 9781615373123Publication Date: 2020-05-04Now in its seventh edition, this bestselling guide is organized along the lines of DSM-5® and has been updated to reflect changes to the manual, including new medications and therapies. Rigorous in scope, Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry is nevertheless accessible and conversational in tone. It employs fascinating case vignettes, clinical pearls, self-assessment questions, and tables and figures as it offers a summary of: * The DSM-5® diagnostic system* The neurobiological basis of psychiatry* Interviewing and assessment -- including specific questions that patients can be asked* The various psychiatric disorders* Legal issues* Psychiatric emergencies* Treatment
IMC-612 Endocrine/Reproductive
Robbins and Kumar Basic Pathology by
ISBN: 9780323790185Publication Date: 2022-12-05Robbins and Kumar's Basic Pathology, 11th Edition, offers today's busy students a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts from trusted names in the field. This updated edition thoroughly covers key pathologic processes and the time-honored tools of gross and microscopic analysis, while also retaining a strong emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations and the impact of molecular pathology on the practice of medicine.Williams Obstetrics 26e by
ISBN: 9781260462739Publication Date: 2022-04-07The culmination of a century of clinical thought, Williams Obstetrics, 26th Edition delivers expert coverage of obstetrical complications, such as preterm labor, pregnancy-related hypertension, infection, and hemorrhage. It additionally offers foundational content on reproductive anatomy, physiology, and prenatal care. The authors have enhanced this edition with 1,000+ full-color illustrations, plus an increased emphasis on the fast-growing subspecialty of Maternal-Fetal Medicine. No other text matches the long-established scientific rigor and accessibility of Williams Obstetrics.Comprehensive Gynecology by
ISBN: 9780323653992Publication Date: 2021-07-22Comprehensive Gynecology, 8th Edition covers all key issues in gynecology, now fully updated to include new information on topics such as laparoscopy and innovations in robotic surgery, reversible contraception, and advancements in treating endometriosis. For residents, specialists, primary care doctors, and other healthcare providers, Comprehensive Gynecology is an easy-to-access source of trusted information for everyday practice.The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Reproductive System by
Call Number: QZ 17 N48 2011 v.1 (med school library)ISBN: 9781437705959Publication Date: 2011-02-04Master knowledge of the development, function, and pathology of the male and female reproductive tracts through elegant and informed side-by-side discussions of these systems. View the artistic mastery and beauty of Netter's finest images, presented in one of the most complete and best organized series of illustrations of reproductive system in health and disease. Be inspired by the wondrously complex and highly-evolved human reproductive tract through integrated discussions of primary and subspecialty concepts in clinical care.Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 14th Edition by
ISBN: 9781264258079Publication Date: 2022-11-01For more than 50 years, Goodman & Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics has been the comprehensive, go-to reference that medical and health science professionals have relied upon as the pinnacle of authority and accuracy in describing the actions and uses of therapeutic agents in relation to physiology and pathophysiology. Goodman & Gilman's balance of basic science and clinical applications has guided thousands of health care practitioners and students to a clear understanding of the drugs essential to preventing, diagnosing and treating disease.Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by
ISBN: 9781260452310Publication Date: 2020-12-05Master key pharmacological concepts and practices with the most comprehensive, authoritative guide available. Organized to reflect the course sequence in many pharmacology courses and in integrated curricula, the guide covers the important concepts students need to know about the science of pharmacology and its application to clinical practice.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) by
ISBN: 9781264268504Publication Date: 2022-03-28Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine is the world's most trusted clinical medicine text--and a superb resource for learning the art and science of clinical reasoning. Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine provides the informational foundation you need for the best patient care possible. This new edition is fully updated with timely new chapters and essential updates across the spectrum of internal medicine.Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology, Tenth Edition by
ISBN: 9781259589287Publication Date: 2017-10-10The renowned one-stop guide to the entire field of clinical endocrinology and its scientific underpinnings. Greenspan's Basic & Clinical Endocrinology delivers a succinct, leading-edge overview of the underlying molecular biology of the endocrine system and the latest perspectives on the diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases and disorders. Concise, balanced coverage of both scientific and clinical principles.