Mueller & Kirkpatrick, Federal Evidence, 3rd ed. KF8935 .L68 2007 Also Westlaw*
Wright & Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure KF 8840 W68 (Most recent at Ref); Also Westlaw*
Fishman, Jones on Evidence: Civil & Criminal, 7th ed. KF 8935 J62 1992
Moore's Federal Practice, 3rd ed. KF 8820 A313 M63 1997 (Ref); Also Lexis*
Wigmore, Evidence in Trials at Common Law, 3rd ed. KF 8935 W54 1940
Imwinkelried & Friedman, The New Wigmore: A Treatise on Evidence, Evidentiary Privileges, 2nd ed. KF 8935 W542 I49 2010
Kaye & Friedman, The New Wigmore: A Treatise on Evidence, Expert Evidence KF 8935 W542 K39 2004
Leonard & Friedman, The new Wigmore: A Treatise on Evidence, Selected Rules of Limited Admissibility KF 8935 W542 L46 2002
Wharton's Criminal Evidence, 14th ed. KF 9660 W43 1997 Also Westlaw*
*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only
*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only
*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law student only
*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only