Geography - Physical: Improving Presentations
Improving Presentations
March 4th, 2020 9:30-9:50am
Ready to present your GIS and other projects? Map Librarian Emeritus David Bertuca will share his tips for preparing and sharing geography presentations. Bring your own PowerPoint presentation for specific advice for your project. UB librarians will be available following the presentation to share additional tips and critique your work.
- March 4th - PresentationPowerPoint for extended version of March 4th GIAL "Improving Presentations" GIAL presentation.
- March 4th - NotesNotes for extended version of March 4th "Improving Presentations" GIAL presentation.
- March 4th - ReferencesSelected resources and links for March 4th "Improving Presentations" GIAL presentation.
- March 4th - RecordingIf you missed the presentation, you can watch it here. UBIT name and password required to view.