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Contracts: A Guide for the Busy 1L: Home

This guide provides information about a variety of electronic and textual resources that can help you succeed in your first year civil procedure class.

CALI Lessons

CALI lessons allow you to work through issues in contracts in an interactive format in which you answer questions and explain your reasoning. If you are confused or have questions about an issue, a CALI lesson may provide a quick way to test and improve your knowledge.

Here are a few Contracts Lessons that are helpful for 1Ls. A complete list of Contracts related lessons is available at the CALI website.

Audio Downloads of Contracts Cases

The website for AudioCaseFiles allows you to download an audio version of the many important torts opinions as an MP3 file.

To register for an AudioCaseFiles account, go to: CourtroomView Network (CVN) and follow the instructions.  If you have problems registering, please contact Beth Adelman at the Law Library for assistance.

For a list of audiorecorded opinions that are included in Farnsworth, et al., Contracts: Cases and Materials, 6th ed.

Here is a list of audiorecorded cases available for Professor Schegel's Contracts class:

Frigaliment Importing v. B.N.S. International Sales  

Embry v. Hargadine, McKittrick Dry Goods Co.

McDonald v. Mobil Coal Producing

Empro Mfg. v. Ball-Co Mfg.

Idaho Power v. Westinghouse Electric

Goodman v. Dicker

D&G Stout v. Bacardi Imports

Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon

Eastern Air Lines v. Gulf Oil

Nanakuli Paving & Rock v. Shell Oil

Morin Building Products v. Baystone Construction Inc.

Jacob & Youngs v. Kent

Neri v. Retail Marine

Groves v. John Wunder

Wasserman's Inc. v. Township of Middleton

Contracts Study Aids

Hornbooks and other study aids provide additional perspectives and clarifications to your assigned reading. Do not rely on them exclusively.

Unless otherwise noted all texts are located in the Law Library's Study Aids Collection, which is located on the 7th floor of the Law Library.

Some Sources of Contract Law

Historically contract law has been judge-made law.  In other words, the rules and doctrines of contract law emerge and evolve as judges make decisions in private litigation.  The Restatement of Contracts distills the concepts and rules articulated in contract decisions and presents them in a conceptually organized format. Besides stating rules and principles, the Restatement also includes lengthy comments explaining those rules and principles as well as examples to illustrate their application. Students should bear in mind that the Restatement in itself has no precedential value, although it can acquire precedential value to the extent that courts recognize and adopt particular provisions.

Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code outlines a framework of rules to govern "transactions in goods." Article 2 has been enacted into law in every state except Louisiana.  It has also been adopted in the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Note that while the versions of Article 2 adopted in different states are very similar, there is some minor variation from state to state. 

For the text of UCC Article 2 and comments (as amended through 1994).

Study Aids Online

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