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ARC199: Citing Sources

Last Updated: Feb 20, 2025 2:58 PM

Citing sources

Using UB Libraries OneSearch, Catalog, and Databases:
All of the library sources have a "Cite" or "Citation" button or link on the article record page. Select MLA style and copy and paste the citation. (Please be aware that there are no citation styles that are in ALL CAPS, just change it to the appropriate Title of Article.)

In-text citations:
Paraphrasing: even if you rewrite a paragraph or sentence that you have gotten from another source, it is still someone else's idea so you need to cite the original source.

If you really like the way it is written then "quote it" and cite it.
Direct quotes should be used sparingly. You show a better understanding of the text when you analysis and summarize it into your own words.

(sources: MIT and Purdue Owl)

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of using another person's ideas or work without acknowledging the original source and giving proper credit. It is unethical and, in some cases, it is illegal. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty, and is considered by the University at Buffalo to be a serious offense. University policies related to plagiarism are available on the University's Academic Integrity web site. The UB Libraries has created a plagiarism guide to further assist you in detecting and correcting plagiarism in your work.

It is the nature of college coursework that students are engaged in the ideas and works of other people. However, using another person's works or ideas without citing the original source and giving proper credit, whether intentional or not, and regardless of the context or format, is plagiarism.

(Thanks goes to the Brock University Library)

Citing in Presentations

When citing sources within a presentation, you can include your references as in-text citations on each slide or provide a reference list slide at the end of your presentation or combine these and have in-text citations and a reference list.

Make sure your audience knows where you obtained the information, visuals, and other materials you used in the presentation.

Credit the source of the image, when using free images from the web. Do not reproduce images without permission. Some are labeled as "public use" images but always check the permissions for each image.

Evaluating Websites

Several questions to ask to determine the credibility of a website:

  • Who is sponsoring the website?
  • How often is the site updated?
  • Does the site present facts and not opinion?
  • Who is the intended audience?


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Rose Orcutt
Architecture & Planning Library
303 Abbott Hall
Buffalo, NY 14214