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New York Times (1851-2023) with Index (1851-1993)

Last Updated: Nov 13, 2024 3:39 PM

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The nation's "newspaper of record".

Contents may be browsed by complete issues (that is, article-by-article), searched by article types, keywords, or subjects and printed or downloaded in PDF format. Citations can be exported to EndNote along with text. To be a power searcher, review search help accessible by clicking the Help link on the upper right of the search screen. At the top of the search screen, select the heading News & Newspaper databases. Selecting this heading will allow you to search across the four newspaper databases to which we have access. These are: Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch, Chicago Defender (1910-1975), and New York Times (1851-2023) and Index (1851-1993). Selecting Publications will retrieve a list of publications included in these resources. For a graphic display of when most articles were published on the topic searched, look to the right for a bar chart. Click on the bar for a period to retrieve associated entries.

To view an article on the page in which it appears (that is, to see the page as it was published) select Page view – PDF or Page view (clickable) from the options under the title of a retrieved article. The paper is readable using the first option. Using the latter option, you’ll be able to mouse across the page, identifying blocks of text (articles) on which you can click to retrieve a magnified version of the piece.

Search by keywords or by index entries (select Subject under Search Options). Retrieved entries give Citation/Abstract, topic headings, article summary, and location (column and page) in the print edition. The New York Times Index is an important historical resource and the headings reflect the time when the particular component was compiled.

For background on the paper, consult its Wikipedia entry, articles in the encyclopedias that comprise the Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Dates Covered

1851-2023. A year of coverage is added to this resource annually.

Print Counterpart

35mm microfilm of the New York Times is held from the year 1851 and is ongoing Call Number: Capen Multimedia Center MicFilm AN256. N52. For forms of online access, see: New York Times. The Index: New York Times Index 1913-2001 and Prior Series 1851/1906-1912. Call Number: Lockwood Reference Index Area AI21.N44. Complementary is the New York Times Obituary Index (1970). Call Number: Lockwood Reference CT 213.N46.

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Associate Librarian for the Humanities

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Michael Kicey
424 Lockwood