Last Updated: Aug 25, 2022 5:24 PM
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R2LIBRARY is a web-based application that aggregates health sciences book content from leading publishers in a single platform. This service is available exclusively through hospital, academic, and institutional libraries. It allows two main pathways to view content, search and browse. Browse allows users to drill deeper into granular sections of content and is based on a print metaphor. Users can select a library (medicine), a discipline (cardiology), a resource (Textbook of Cardiology), a chapter (Hypertension), and a section (Hypertension in Pregnancy). Within each library, resources are listed alphabetically by author, just like the stacks in the print library. Search allows users to input a search term(s) and launch a search across THE R2 LIBRARY holdings, determined by their institution's holdings and preferences. THE R2 LIBRARY uses Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), a taxonomy built and maintained by the National Library of Medicine, to index our content and allow for precise search results and functionality.
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