African American Literature: Biographical Resources
Biographical Resources
- Dictionary of Literary Biography (Gale Literature) This link opens in a new windowBiographical essays on British & American authors from all eras & genres. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- Biography (Gale In Context) This link opens in a new windowMore than half a million biographies on individuals from the full sweep of human history. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- Scribner Writers Series (Gale Literature) This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles on writers and literary genres. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography This link opens in a new windowProvides full, accurate and concise articles on noteworthy people. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- American National Biography This link opens in a new windowOffers portraits of more than 17,400 men and women. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
Afro-American Fiction Writers after 1955 by
ISBN: 0810317117Publication Date: 1984-10-19The mid-1950s brought changes not only to the political and social worlds of African-Americans in the United States, but to their literary world as well-changes reflected in and effected by writers profiled in this DLB volume. Much of the impetus for the surge in black creativity after 1955 came from the 1954 Supreme Court decision abolishing separate but equal education. Black writers were caught up in the growing civil rights and nationalist movements. These movements inspired less traditional African-American literary forms, such as science fiction and children's fiction, less emphasis on religion in writing, and the emergence of more published women writers. Subject matter changed also, as these writers focused less on black/white conflicts and more on the black family and community. 49 entries include: James Baldwin, Octavia E. Butler, Susan R. Delaney, Virginia Hamilton, Frank E.M. Hercules, Kristin Hunter, Toni Morrison, Joyce Carol Thomas, Alice Walker and Al Young. The criticism alone is of enormous value to students in college and graduate literature courses.Afro-American Writers Before the Harlem Renaissance by
ISBN: 0810317281Publication Date: 1986-08-15Among the African-American authors featured in this volume are James Madison Bell, Charles Chestnutt, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Alice Moore Dunbar Nelson and Harriet E. Adams Wilson.Afro-American Writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940 by
ISBN: 9780810317291Publication Date: 1986-08-01This volume-one of six DLB volumes discussing African-American writers-represents a peak period in African-American literary activity sometimes called the Harlem Renaissance or New Negro era, and lasting from about 1915 to the early '30s. During this time, African-American artists and writers from cities all around the U.S. flocked to Harlem and began a decade of striving to change popular perceptions of their people. As Trudier Harris describes the writers of this period in the volume's foreword: 'They change racist attitudes but to preserve African heritage, to diminish isolation between races but to nurture distinctive racial characteristics.' 34 entries include: Arna Bontemps, Countee Cullen, Jessie Redmon Fauset, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Georgia Douglas Johnson, Claude McKay, George Samuel Schuyler, Jean Toomer and Walter Francis White.The Cambridge Introduction to Zora Neale Hurston by
ISBN: 9780521854573Publication Date: 2008-09-11Their Eyes Were Watching God is a key text in African American literature. Its author Zora Neale Hurston has become an iconic figure for her literary works and for her invaluable contribution to documenting elements of black folk culture in the rural south and in the Caribbean. This introductory book designed for students explores Hurston's artistic achievements and her unique character: her staunch individualism, her penchant for drama, her sometimes controversial politics, her philosophical influences and her views on gender relations. Lovalerie King explores Hurston's life and analyses her major works and short stories. Historical, social, political, and cultural contexts for Hurston's life and work, including her key role in the development of the Harlem Renaissance, are set out. The book concludes with an overview of the reception of Hurston's work, both in her lifetime and up to the present, as well as suggestions for further reading.Notable African American Writers, Second Edition by
ISBN: 9781642654073Publication Date: 2020-05-30This new edition highlights African Americans who wrote centuries ago, as well as modern storytellers whose work reflects the changing global landscape. From autobiography to young adult fiction, these volumes provide an overview and more in-depth context to the stories of over 100 acclaimed African American authors-a comprehensive overview of each author's biography and literary career as well as a ready-reference listing of his or her major works in all genres.Twenty-first-century African American poets, first series by
ISBN: 0028672380Publication Date: 2023-03-03"Biographical entries on Twenty-First-Century African American Poets"--Zora Neale Hurston by
ISBN: 9781429838313Publication Date: 2013-05-15Zora Neale Hurston is today recognized as a major contributor to the Harlem Renaissance literature of the 1920s and American modernist literature. Hurston's most important works, published in the 1930s, emerge from her interest in African American oral and vernacular culture, represented in her most studied publications Mules and Men (1935) and Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937). Hurston's interest in preserving the culture of the black South remains among her most valuable contributions.
- Contemporary Authors (Gale Literature) This link opens in a new windowBiographical sketches. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY