Medical Images: Selected Resources: Home
A Guide to Selected Web Sites
Most of the sites listed here provide free access to medical images for educational use.
Please refer to the copyright statements for a site before using any images.
- Search Engines
- Databases
- Directory Sites
- General Collections
- Anatomy
- Anesthesiology
- Cancer
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Diagnostics
- Embryology
- Gastrointestinal
- Genetics
- Hematology
- Histology
- History of Medicine
- Neuroscience
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedics
- Parasitology
- Pathology
- Public Health
- Surgery
- Virology
Search Engines to find images and videos
A Guide to Databases with Images, Sound, and other Multimedia search options
The UB Libraries have health sciences databases containing journal articles and research papers, but did you know you can also search specifically for images in many of them?
Below is a list of databases with image search capabilities and how to access those images.
- CDCPublic Health Image Library (PHIL)
- Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) This link opens in a new windowFull-text entries from encyclopedias and reference works published by Gale Group More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- Merck Manual Consumer VersionThe Merck Manual Consumer Version and The Merck Manual Professional Version - Enter a search term. After the results load, locate infographics and/or videos, related to your search term by checking the appropriate boxes in the left-hand column. In addition, chose the "related image" link in the upper right-hand side of the search results. Searching for the same term in both the Consumer and the Professional versions will yield different image and multimedia results.
- ScienceDirect (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowPartial Full-Text of all Elsevier published journals. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
Directory Sites
- Medical Animation LibraryFrom the University of Pennsylvania Health System, a wide variety of short animated segments.
- MedPix: Medical Images DatabaseFrom the National Library of Medicine, a database of over 53,000 images from more than 13,000 real life patient cases. Included are peer-reviewed teaching files, an imaging atlas, and decision support tools. The target audience includes physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, medical students, graduate nursing students, and other post-graduate trainees.
General Collections
- Health Education Assets LibraryA digital library that provides freely accessible digital teaching materials of the highest quality that meet the needs of today's health sciences educators and learners. A component of the National Sciences Digital Library.
- IME Video Library - University of Wisconsin-MadisonA collection of health science presentations available to students, faculty, community preceptors, public health organizations, and health consumers. Major educational presentations will be captured (recorded digitally) and placed on this site along with links of interest to the topics discussed. Registration is required to view videos.
- iTunes UGo to the Health and Medicine area.
- Medline Plus - Interactive Health TutorialsFor patient education purposes. Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or condition in easy-to-read language. You can also listen to the tutorial.
- NIH VideoCasting and PodcastingThe Center for Information Technology (CIT) makes special National Institutes of Health events, seminars, and lectures available to viewers on the NIH network and the Internet from the VideoCast web site.
- New England Journal of Medicine Online VideosVideos in Clinical Medicine published on the NEJM website.
- Open VaultFrom WGBH, historically important content produced by the public television and radio station WGBH. The ever-expanding site contains video, audio, images, searchable transcripts, and resource management tools, all of which are available for individual and classroom learning.
- Stanford Health Library Online Video CollectionFrom Stanford University, these videos are presented as a public service by the Health Library. Most titles are about 30-60 minutes long and address common health topics.
- Yale PubMed Central Figure FinderRetreive figures (data images) from all of the 34,000 Open Access PubMed Central's journals. The search engine retrieves images based upon text within legends and captions to the figures. Read about how it does this by copy/pasting the following article ID into the search box at PubMed: 18614584.
- Anatomy AtlasesA digital library of anatomy information.
- AnatQuest: Anatomic Images OnlineThe U.S. National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project has produced high resolution (4096 x 2048 x 24 bits) cryosectional color images of human anatomy. The Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, an R&D division of the NLM, through its Communications Engineering Branch, has created a database for this image dataset as well as for 3D rendered images of anatomic objects created from cryosectional images (cross-sections or slices).
- Digital Anatomist ProjectThe goal of this site is to represent anatomy in a comprehensive and consistent way, which should meet the needs of all biomedical applications that require anatomical knowledge. Moreover, a logical and consistent representation of anatomy should facilitate the modeling of all biomedical information, including the patient record. They have pursued two parallel tracks for representing anatomical information: 1. The generation of graphical models derived from cadaver and clinical imaging data; and 2. Symbolic modeling of the structures and relationships that constitute the human body.
- Dream AnatomyFrom the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, an online exhibit of archival anatomical images.
- eSkeletons ProjectThe eSkeletons Project website is devoted to the study of human and primate comparative anatomy. It offers a unique set of digitized versions of skeletons in 2-D and 3-D in full color, animations, and much supplemental information.
- Gray's Anatomy of the Human BodyThe edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn.
- Historical Anatomies on the WebA number of other research institutions have placed images from historical anatomical atlases on the World Wide Web.
- Instant AnatomyA website with illustrations of the Human Body to aid the learning of Human Anatomy with diagrams, podcasts and revision questions.
- LUMEN Cross-Section TutorialFrom Loyola University Medical Center. Images from the Visible Human Project -NLM) are used under a license agreement to Dr. John A. McNulty. Also try the Learn 'Em page - quiz yourself and label the nerves, bones, arteries, dermatones and muscles.
- The Visible Human ProjectThe Visible Human Project ® is an outgrowth of the NLM's 1986 Long-Range Plan. It is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Acquisition of transverse CT, MR and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers has been completed. The male was sectioned at one millimeter intervals, the female at one-third of a millimeter intervals.
- Simulation PortfolioFrom the University of Florida Health Science Center Libraries. Several free simulations and tutorials to work through.
- National Cancer Institute. Visuals OnlineThis NCI Visuals Online database contains images from the collections of the Communication Services Branch and Mass Media Office, components of the Office of Communications, National Cancer Institute. Contents include general biomedical and science-related images, cancer-specific scientific and patient care-related images, and portraits of directors and staff of the National Cancer Institute. All images are in the public domain and may be used, linked, or reproduced without permission. If an image is used, credit should be given to the listed source and/or author.
- Inside Cancer - A Multimedia Guide to Cancer BiologyFrom the Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- ECG Learning CenterA large collection of 6- and 12- lead ECG image strips that, in the words of the developers, range from the "sublime to the ridiculous, from simplicity to complexity, from boring to fascinating". Each ECG comes with an interpretation and many strips have additional information. Created under a Creative Commons license, users are free to distribute and share the resources.
- The 6 Second ECG StimulatorLearn to identify the 27 most common ECG rhythms, then challenge yourself to Six Second ECG Game.
- Atlas of DermatologyFrom Loyola University a collection of varied dermatologic images.
- DermISDermatology Information System from the Universities of Heidelberg and Erlangen. Locate images by name of disease or anatomical location.
- Full spectrum of Dermatology: a diverse and inclusive atlasSide by side images of the most common skin conditions among a spectrum of skin tones. Free for educational use. From the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, supported by Galderma and Cetaphil.
- Educational Clinical ImagesBrowse photographs collected by the staff of the Department of Emergency Services at the San Francisco General Hospital. Although free for educational use, you must receive permission to publish them. Images are searchable by system. Clicking on the "treatment" icon will retrieve information regarding differental diagnosis, emergency treatment and appropriate follow-up.
- The Multi-Dimensional Human EmbryoThe Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo is a collaboration funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) to produce and make available over the internet a three-dimensional image reference of the Human Embryo based on magnetic resonance imaging. The collection of images is intended to serve students, researchers, clinicians, and the general public interested in studying and teaching human development.
- The Atlas of Gastrointestinal EndoscopyFrom Atlanta South Gastroenterology PC, a collection of ~1200 endoscopic images.
- The Atlas of Gastrointestinal Video EndoscopyAtlas contains ~3700 endoscopy video clips covering almost the entire repetoire of gastronintestinal pathology detectable by endoscopy.
- The Atlas of Gastrointerological EndoscopyAnother atlas of GI endoscopy images with over 700 images organized by GI tract component, this time from the Departments of Internal Medicine of Finsterwalde Hospital and Aschersleben Hospital in Germany.
- DNA From the BeginningAn animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity. Organized around key concepts, the science behind each concept is explained by: animation, image gallery, video interviews, problem, biographies, and links. From the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Talking Glossary of Genetic TermsCreated by the National Institute for Human Genome Research (NHGRI) at NIH, this glossary combines images and 3D animations with genetic definitions. Listen or read the definitions shared by scientific leaders in their respective fields.
- Online Genetics Education KitNHGRI-created series of 3D animated videos that can be downloaded or viewed individually at YouTube. Kit contains videos on sequencing genomes, bioinformatics, understanding DNA, RNA and protein, and more.
- The American Society of Hematology (ASH)The American Society of Hematology (ASH) Image Bank is intended to serve as a comprehensive reference and teaching tool presented in a digital, case-based format that allows both the images and text to be searched, cross-referenced, and hyper-linked.
- Internet Atlas of HistologyHosted by the University of Illinois, this resource contains over 1000 histological images, accessible by organ system or an alphabetical term list. A search engine is also available. Use the "slides" link to access by organ system. Mousing over each image or selecting a term from each image's pull-down menu, activates a voice driven menu defining each structure. Use the "objects" link to browse an alphabetical list of histologically-related terms or structures (alveoli, artery lumen, fibroblast, z-lines, etc.)
- LUMEN - HistologyThe Loyola University Medical Education Network's (LUMEN) histology educational resource of annotated histological slides organized by tissues and organ systems. Each slide is accompanied by two practical exam questions.
- Normal Histology--Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical EducationExtensive list of normal histology from tissues, structures, or organs.
- Normal Histology--Brown Medical SchoolNormal histology images from heart, lung, female reproductive system, kidney, and urinary system.
- NurseGroups.comA collection of histology and histology-related sites, most from major universities.
History of Medicine
- Images from the History of MedicineThis system provides access to the nearly 60,000 images in the prints and photograph collection of the History of Medicine Division (HMD) of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). The collection includes portraits, pictures of institutions, caricatures, genre scenes, and graphic art in a variety of media, illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine.
- The Human Brain AtlasMRI sections through a living human brain as well as corresponding sections stained for cell bodies or for nerve fibers.
- Neuroexam.comStreaming videos on how to perform neurologic exams.
- The Whole Brain AtlasThis is an information resource for central nervous system imaging which integrates clinical information with magnetic resonance (MR), x-ray computed tomography (CT), and nuclear medicine images. The Atlas project is made possible in part by the Departments of Radiology and Neurology at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School , the Countway Library of Medicine, and the American Academy of Neurology
- Image LibraryThis site is devoted entirely to providing access to images of interest to women's health. In addition to providing you with access to images we also point to other women's health related images on the Internet. Because of the graphic nature of the material some individuals may prefer not to view these images.They are provided for educational purposes only.
- Digital Atlas of OphthalmologyChoose between for any combination of eye conditions, anatomy, and diagnostics/treatments from a checklist. Limits to the search can also be applied for age groups and kinds of images returned.
- National Eye Institute's Eye and Disease Image SearchFrom Loyola University a collection of varied dermatologic images.
- Parasite Image LibraryFrom this page you can directly access all images contained in the DPDx Web site. Parasites and parasitic diseases are listed alphabetically and are cross-referenced.
- Digital PathologyFrom Brown Medical College, gross and microscopic digital images of common and uncommon pathological conditions. Permission is granted to reproduce these photos for teaching purposes provided the Brown logo is kept in place.
- The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical EducationFrom Florida State University College of Medicine, this popular web resource includes over 1900 images along with text, tutorials, laboratory exercises, and examination items for self-assessment that demonstrate gross and microscopic pathologic findings associated with human disease conditions.
- WebPathologyA free educational resource with high quality pathology images of benign and malignant neoplasms and related entities. The specimens presented are derived from reliable sources. The diagnoses have been confirmed with immunohistochemical stains, special stains, molecular diagnostic tests, and/or expert consultation. The resource is organized predominantly by organ system and includes separate infectious disease and pediatric sections.
- Laparoscopic SurgeryShort laparoscopic procedure videos from the Center for Minimal Invasive Surgery, Stanford University, collated by the Global Library of Women's Medicine
Public Health
- Center for Public Health Preparedness, University at Albany School of Public HealthThe Centers for Public Health Preparedness Resource Center, is a free online repository of terrorism and emergency response training and educational resources developed by the CDC-funded Centers for Public Health Preparedness. The resources address a wide-array of public health and emergency response topic areas and are presented in various formats including CD-ROM, web cast, exercise/drill/tabletop manuals, comprehensive course outlines and much more. This information is intended for public health professionals and other community partners both in the field and in the classroom.
- Public Health Image LibraryMuch of the information critical to the communication of public health messages is pictorial rather than text-based. Created by a Working Group at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PHIL offers an organized, universal electronic gateway to CDC's pictures. We welcome public health professionals, the media, laboratory scientists, educators, and the worldwide public to use this material for reference, teaching, presentation, and public health messages. The content is organized into hierarchical categories of people, places, and science, and is presented as single images, image sets, and multimedia files.
- Laparoscopy and Endoscopy Surgery VideosSearchable video resource from the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES). Sources include webinars and educational presentations from the Society's annual meetings.
- Medline Plus. Videos of Surgical ProceduresThis web-archived page provides links to prerecorded webcasts of surgical procedures. These are actual operations performed at medical centers in the United States since January 2004.
- Operational Medicine VideosFundamental surgical procedures produced by the military and others for medical education purposes.
- OR-LiveWatch surgery live or browse the archives of past procedures.
- Toronto Video Atlas of SurgeryThe Toronto Video Atlas of Surgery is a 3D-animation enhanced surgical video atlas. It aims to instruct surgeons in the surgical care of patients with complex problems in the fields of hepato-pancreato-biliary, transplant, gynecology, and obstetrics, and highlight the advanced surgical techniques required for the management of these diseases.
- Laparoscopic surgeryShort videos from Stanford University's Center for Minimal Invasive Surgery, collected by the Global Library of Women's Medicine
- The Big Picture Book of VirusesThe Big Picture Book of Viruses is intended to serve as both a catalog of virus pictures on the Internet and as an educational resource to those seeking more information about viruses.
Pamela Rose
Health Sciences Library
University at Buffalo
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University at Buffalo
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