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China Academic Journals (Chinese Search Interface)

Last Updated: Dec 14, 2023 4:13 PM

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The China Academic Journals (CAJ) database is the largest index to Chinese-language periodicals from the People's Republic of China. It is a component in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKInet).  For some background on CNKInet, visit It covers more than 7,200 journals. The Libraries have subscribed to two components: (F) Literature/History/Philosophy and (G) Politics/Military Affairs/Law.  Other components cannot be viewed in full text; but one may search the index across all components.  This is important, because articles not available to us online may be requested through interlibrary loan. Full-Boolean searching in Chinese and English is supported in basic, advanced, and expert modes.

Other topical components are: science and engineering, agriculture, medicine and health, education and social science, electronics (telecommunications and computers) and information science (includes library science), and economics and management. The tables of contents of journals may be viewed; sometimes they are in English (especially in non-humanities areas); in the vast majority of instances they are in Chinese. While overwhelmingly in Chinese; a significant number of articles are in English.

To search across the related databases listed below use Cross-Database Search:

  • Century Journals Project
    Identical in intent to our JStor Project.  This effort selects the most important academic journals published in China and digitizes all issues since their first issue to 1993.
  • China Doctor/Master Dissertation Database 
    This is the most comprehensive, continuously updated database of its kind in China. As of August 2005, the item count exceeded 220,000. All CAJ topical areas are covered. Coverage begins with 1999.
  • China Core Newspapers Database 
    This database collects core newspaper articles published in mainland China since 2000, over 4,400,000 articles are represented. Nearly 1,000 titles are selectively indexed and 1,200,000 articles are annually added.
  • China Conference Proceedings Database 
    This database is comprised of proceedings from various academic associations, industrial organizations, governmental agencies, and international bodies in China. As of August 2005 the record count reached 320,000, with an annual increase of 100,000. Some coverage begins in 1999.

Dates Covered

From 1915 to date. Full text only for purchased/subscribed units.

Humanities Librarian

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Molly Poremski
423 Lockwood Library
(716) 645-7750