Data Visualization: Examples and Resources
This guide provides an introduction to best practices, tools, and educational resources for data visualization.
Last Updated: Jan 19, 2024 2:35 PM
UB Libraries Resources
UB Libraries Workshops
Research Data Management Guide
Data Visualization Blogs and Galleries
Storytelling with Data - a blog by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
Visualising Data - website and blog by Andy Kirk
Flowing Data - a blog by Nathan Yau
Information is Beautiful - a blog by David McCandless
Day Doh Viz - data visualizations in play-doh by Amy Cesal
Chartable - a blog by Datawrapper
Graphic Detail - The Economist's data journalism blog
Modern Data - Plotly's data visualization blog
Xenographics - weird but (sometimes) useful charts
Tableau Public - Viz of the Day
Information Is Beautiful Awards
JavaScript, R, and Python:
Data Visualization was created by UB Libraries' 2018-2020 CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow, Rachel Starry. It is currently maintained by Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell. Guide content is licensed CC BY 4.0.