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Early Encounters in North America

Last Updated: Dec 14, 2023 3:22 PM

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Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment makes available more than 1,000 published and unpublished sources or over 100,000 pages of letters, dairies, memoirs, and accounts of encounters between Native Americans, Europeans, Africans, and Americans between 1534-1860. Men and women and slaves, missionaries, and explorers as well as officials speak in these pages. First impressions of flora and fauna and responses to native peoples and new places are documented in what soon became a new literary form. Prints, drawings, paintings, maps, and photographs are also included. Everything - text and images - is searchable through a standardized vocabulary and very detailed search engines. Specialized search screens are provided for: chronology, geography, geophysical features, encounters, fauna, flora, peoples, cultural and personal events, authors, and maps, prints, illustrations.

Searches find transcribed text, images, and facsimiles. Only relevant portions of documents are retrievable. Based on materials identified in the following.

A Biobibliography of Native American Writers, 1772-1924 by Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr. and James W. Parins

Sources for the ethnography of northeastern North America to 1611, by David B. Quinn.

The French image of America: a chronological and subject bibliography of French books printed before 1816 relating to the British North American colonies and the United States by Durand Echeverria and Everett C. Wilkie, Jr.

Wagner & Camp's The Plains and the Rockies, a critical bibliography of exploration, adventure and travel in the American West, 1800-1865

Robert Rogers Hubach's Early Midwestern Travel Narratives, An Annotated Bibliography, 1634-1850., a full-text online collection that contains documents about Canada's history from the first European contact to the nineteenth century.

Bibliography of Native North Americans, Human Relations Area Files, 1976

Dates Covered


Print Counterpart

See above.

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Michael Kicey
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