Online Treatises - Arbitration
Print Treatises - Arbitration
Search these resources, but note that NOT all awards are available in FULL TEXT under our Law School subscription. "YES" labels below indicate FULL TEXT access.
Searchable contents include:
---American Arbitration Association (Labor, Employment, Consumer)
---Arbitrator Submitted Awards (Healthcare, Insurance, Labor)
---Court Filed Arbitration Awards (Labor & Employment)
---Labor & Employment Arbitration Awards
-American Arbitration Association (AAA) - Employment
-American Arbitration Association (AAA) - Labor
-Arbitrator Submitted
-Court Filed
-Labor Arbitration Information System (LAIS)
-Personnet (Federal govt employee arbitration proceedings) YES
---Other Arbitration Awards
-ARBIT Arbitration Awards YES
-FINRA Arbitration Awards YES
-LAIS Labor Arbitration Awards
-National Arbitration Forum YES
-National Mediation Board (NMB) YES
-Personnet Arbitrator Decisions YES
- Society of Maritime Arbitrators YES
-Uniform Domain Name Disputes YES
Labor and Employment Toolkits
Employment Arbitration Toolkit (US)
Print Decisions/Awards