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English Legal Research: Web Resources

United Kingdom Web Resources

Comprehensive websites

  • British and Irish Legal Information Institute 
    Includes British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material. Lawlinks (University of Kent)
  • Templeman Library, Kent, UK
    Includes links to UK, European Union, international, foreign and other law sources. United 
  • Kingdom Parliament
    Includes links to Parliamentary bills, acts, House of Lords judgments, reports, Parliamentary archives, and other sources. 
  • ProQuest British Parliamentary Papers Collection, 18th to 21st Century - Includes Bills and Acts, Command Papers, House of Commons and House of Lords Papers, Debates, and Journals
  • UK and Ireland Law Bodleian Law Library – Oxford University


Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
This service allows searching for the meaning of abbreviations for English language legal publications, from the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the United States, including those covering international and comparative law. A wide selection of major foreign language law publications is also included. Publications from over 295 jurisdictions are featured in the Index. The database mainly covers law reports and law periodicals, but some legislative publications and major textbooks are also included.

Legislation: Historical

  • Magna Carta
  • Statutes of the Realm 
    Includes volumes 5 through 7 only. Hint: do an advanced search in the full text search mode and select Statutes of the Realm as a source.

Legislation: Current

Cases: Current

  • House of Lords Judgments 
    * House of Lords judgments from November 14, 1996 to the present. The House of Lords is the final court of appeal on points of law for the whole of the United Kingdom in civil cases and for England, Wales and Northern Ireland in criminal cases.
    *Selective cases 1838-1995, all decisions from 1996 to present 
  • UK Constitutional Reform - Creation of a Supreme Court
    Information on the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 
  • Latest judgments 
  • Leading Cases 
    Leading cases arranged by subject. 
  • Northern Ireland Cases 1999 to present
  • Northern Ireland Court Structure
  • Scottish Cases (Court of Sessions -- Civil cases; High Court of Justiciary -- Criminal cases) 1998 to present 

Cases: Historical

  • English Reports – Full Reprint (abbreviation: Eng. Rep.) cases from 1094 – 1873. Available in full text on HeinOnline (Access by UB community only)
    Also available in print in the Law Library (UK 006 A1 G51).
    English Reports - Full Reprint also on LLMC database (Access by UB community only)
    Additional Reports available on LLMC database (Access by UB community only)
    Selective cases from several courts. Examples:
    House of Lords: Selective years, selected decisions: 1838-1949; all years, selected decisions: 1950-1996; November 16, 1996 to present all cases, all years.
    English and Wales Court of Appeal (Civil and Criminal Division) and High Court Divisions Decisions – for early cases, the dates and depth of coverage vary. 
  • Medieval English Legal History 
    An Index and Paraphrase of Printed Year Book Reports, 1268-1535 compiled by David J. Seipp
    Indexes all year book reports printed in the chronological series of the Year Books for all years between 1268 and 1535, and many of the year book reports printed only in alphabetical abridgements. In addition, of these reports, almost 6,000 from 1399 forward have been fully indexed and paraphrased.
    Website includes Tables of Cases linking printed editions and manuscript versions of cases and an Article and Book Bibliography.

Self Help Websites

Databases commonly available in the United States


LexisNexis (Law School community only)

  • Statutes for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
  • Statutory Instruments for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
  • Cases from 1865 through current; From 1558 through current; All England Law Reports Reprints from 1558 (when available), ICLR Law Reports from 1865, All England Law Reports from 1936, Lloyds Law Reports from 1919, and other law reports from 1945. Scottish reported cases from 1982 and Northern Ireland cases from 1945. Unreported cases from England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland from 1980.

LexisNexis Academic (UB community only)

  • Cases only


Westlaw (Law School community only)

  • Statutes for England, Wales and Scotland
  • Statutory Instruments for England, Wales and Scotland
  • Cases in law reports published by Sweet & Maxwell, Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales, the Scottish Council of Law Reporting, and LLP Reference Publishing. Coverage varies by publication. Coverage begins with 1865.

Historical Treatises

  • Blackstone, William, Sir. Commentaries on the laws of England.. Oxford, 1765-69. 4 volumes. (UB Community only) 
  • Bracton, Henry de, d. 1268. Henrici de Bracton de legibus & consuetudinibus Angliae libri quinq[ue] in varios tractatus distincti, ad diuersorum et vetustissimorum codicum collationem, ingenti cura, nunc primu[m] typis vulgati: quorum quid cuiq[ue] insit, proxima pagina demonstrabit., Londini : Apud Richardum Tottellum, An. do. 1569.
  • (UB Community only) 
  • Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. The first part of the Institutes of the lawes of England. Or, A commentarie vpon Littleton, not the name of a lawyer onely, but of the law it selfe. Authore Edw: Coke Milite, London : Printed by [Miles Flesher, John Haviland, and Robert Young,] the assignes of Iohn More Esquire; and are to be sold by Richard More in S. Dunstans Churchyard, Anno 1629. (UB Community only) 
  • Glanville, Ranulf de, 1130-1190. Tractatus de legibus & consuetudinibus regni Angliae, tempore Regis Henrici secundi compositus, iusticiae gubernacula tenente illustri viro Ranulpho de Glanuilla iuris regni & antiquarum consuetudinum eo tempore peritissimo. Et illas solum leges continet & consuetudines secundum quas placitatur in curia Regis ad Scaccarium & coram Iusticijs vbicunque fuerint, [London : Printed by A. Islip] In aedibus Thomae Wight, 1604. (UB Community only) 
  • Littleton, Thomas, Sir, d. 1481. Tenannt en fee simple est celuy ..., [[London] : Imp[re]ssi p[er] nos Ioh[an]e[s] lettou [et] Will[es] de machlinia i citate Londonia[rum], [1482]] (UB Community only)


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Law Reference Librarians
Charles B. Sears Law Library
O'Brian Hall (North Campus)
SUNY Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260