Research Guides
Chanin, Specialized Legal Research ("Securities") KF 240 S69 1987
STATUTES, United States Code US 003 U5 (Fed Core)
- Securities Act of 1933. 48 Stat. 74 (1933) 15 USC 77a-77mm
- Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 881 (1934) 15 USC 78a-78kk
- Public Utilities Holding Company Act of 1935, 49 Stat. 803 (1935) 15 USC 79-79z
- Trust Indenture Act of 1939, 53 Stat. 1149 (1939) 15 USC 77aaa-77bbb
- Investment Company Act of 1940, 54 Stat. 789 (1940) 15 USC 80a-1-80a-64
- Investment Advisors Act of 1940, 54 Stat. 847 (1940) 15 USC 80b-1-80b-21
- Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970, 84 Stat. 1636 (1970) 15 USC 78aaa-78lll
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, P.L. 106-425, 114 Stat. 1890 15 USC 7201 nt.
- Generally, see 15 U.S.C. Sec. 77 to 80b-21
- American Law Institute, Federal Securities Code KF 1439.F42 1980
- Proposed revision and consolidation of federal securities law.
- Securities Regulation, Selected Statutes, Rules & Forms (Hazen) KF 1433.99 S4
Legislative History
- Federal Securities Laws: Legislative History, 1933-1982 KF 1433.8 1983
- Federal Securities Exchange Act of 1934 KF 1068.4 G3; Lexis*
- Securities Primary Law Sourcebook (1933 Act) KF 1068.4 S43; Lexis*
- Schwartz, The Economic Regulation of Business and Industry: A Legislative History of U.S. Regulatory Agencies ("Securities Act of 1933") KF 5407 S34 1973
- Lexis*: FEDSEC library, LEGIS file has full text of House, Senate Conference reports for the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and amendments. CISLH file has abstracted Congressional Information Service prepared Legislative Histories of U.S. Public Laws covering securities law issues from 1970-1993
Westlaw*: FSEC-LH contains legislative history for public laws from 1933-1989, and from 1990+ includes history for bills passed and not passed.
- 17 C.F.R. Parts 200-301, US 005 A3 (Fed Core)
- Proposed rules and regs in Federal Register US 005 A2 (Fed Core)
- See last page for "Concordance of SEC Rules" at Table 1-1 from Chanin, supra.
- Publications of S.E.C. rulings, rule proposals and adoptions, interpretations of statuary and regulatory requirements, and statements of policy.
- Releases for each act received distinctive designations (e.g., Securities Act of 1933 Release No. _____ or 33-_____.) See Chanin, supra, for table of Release Designations.
- S.E.C. Docket KF 1436 A2 S4 (1973-1981, General Collection; 1981+, Koren AV)
The official weekly publication of full text releases
- S.E.C. responses to private parties indicating that no action would be taken by the S.E.C. in a given fact situation.
DECISIONS (Rulings of the S.E.C. in S.E.C. proceedings)
- Decisions and Reports (S.E.C.) KF 1444 A554 (1934-1999, Annex; 2000+, General Collection); Index (1967-1989) KF 1444 A59 U55
- Hazen, Securities Regulation, Selected Statutes, Rules & Forms KF 1433.99 S4
Secondary Sources
- Soderquist, Securities Law, Cases and Concepts Series KF 1440 S64 1998 (Study Aids)
- Jacobs, Manual of Corporate Forms for Securities Practice KF 1439 S43 v.9
- CCH, Federal Securities Law Reporter KF 1436.5 F43
- See Chanin, supra, for "Concordance of SEC Forms" at App. 1-2.
- Bloomenthal, Securities & Federal Corporate Law, 2nd ed. KF 1439 S43 1998
- Bromberg, Bromberg and Lowenfels on Securities Fraud & Commodities Fraud, 2nd ed. ; Westlaw*
- Frankel, The Regulation of Money Managers: Mutual Funds and Advisers, 2nd ed. KF 1078 F7
- Hazen, Treatise on the Law of Securities Regulation, 5th ed. KF 1439 H39 2005
- Los & Seligman, Fundamentals of Security Regulation, 4th ed. KF 1439 L68 2004
- Olson & Pitt, Securities in the Electronic Age KF 1439 S42 1998
- Practitioner's Guide to the Sarbanes Oxley Act KF 1446 A314 P73 2004
- Robbins, Securities Arbitration Procedure Manual, 5th ed. KF 1070 R63 2001; Lexis*
- Securities Law Series KF 1439 S43; Westlaw*
- Sommer & Gadsby, Federal Securities Exchange Act 1934 KF 1068.4 G3; Lexis*
- Sommer, Securities Primary Law Sourcebook KF 1068.4 S43; Lexis*
- Baker, Securities Enforcement Manual, 2nd ed. KF 1439 S417 2007
- Bartos, United States Securities Law, 3rd ed. KF 1440 B37 2006
- Bloomenthal, Going Public Handbook KF 1432.1 B55; Westlaw*
- Bloomenthal, Securities Law Handbook KF 1439 B544; Westlaw*
- Brown, Soderquist on the Securities Laws (PLI) KF 1439 S63 2006
- Haas, Investment Adviser Regulation in a Nutshell KF 1072 H33 2008 (Study Aids)
- Hazen, Law of Securities Regulation, 6th ed. KF 1439 H39 2009 (Reserve)
- Hazen, Securities Regulation in a Nutshell, 10th ed. KF 1440 R37 2009
- Loss & Seligman, Fundamentals of Securities Regulation, 4th ed. KF 1439 L68 2004
- Palmiter, Securities Regulation KF 1440 P25 2008 (Study Aids)
- Steinberg, Understanding Securities Law, 4th ed. KF 1440 S74 2007 (Study Aids)
*Westlaw/Lexis access is restricted to law students only