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Foreign Governments: General Guides

Last Updated: Mar 10, 2025 3:32 PM

General Guides

CIS National Statistical Compendiums 
Lockwood Library Reference  HA 154 C8 (Bibliographic Guide)
Lockwood Microform Area  

Statistical compendiums are serial publications (often yearbooks) of national governments that present social, economic and demographic data. They are excellent sources for detailed statistics.

The microfiche collection includes more than 150 countries. Arrangement is alphabetical by names of nations. Time coverage varies from country to country, some going back to the late 1970's and early 1980's. Reports may not be available for every year.

Titles for the individual publications included in this collection are listed in the online catalog . To determine if a particular country is part of the collection, do a keyword search (the default search) looking for the country name and the phrase statistical compendiums , for example: Kenya and statistical compendiums .

Web Sites of National Parliaments (Inter-Parliamentary Union)
Links to parliamentary home pages.

Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets (U.S. Department of State)
Summarizes U.S. relations with foreign countries.

Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
Lists government officials in nations throughout the world.

Constitute Project (University of Texas at Austin)
Covers constitutions, charters, amendments, and related materials from nations throughout the world.

Country Indicators of Foreign Policy (Carelton University)
Create world maps or query the database about specific countries and years.  Topics cover basic demographic and economic indicators; national defense, and extent of arms imports and militarization; the environment; and political stability.

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (U.S. Department of State) 

A series of annual reports that evaluate respect for human rights and civil liberties in nations throughout the world. Specifics deal with due process and fair trials; disappearances, arbitrary arrests, detentions, and exiles; privacy; freedoms of speech, the press, assembly, and religion; conditions of women and children; and worker rights.

International Energy Data (U.S. Department of Energy)   Retrieve energy related data by nations. Information covers statistical data; forecasts; and textual descriptions of energy sectors and environments.

Nutrition Country Profiles (Food and Agriculture Organization. Economic and Social Department)
All summaries and many full texts are in English. Selected items are in French. 

Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection (University of Texas at Austin)
Online maps, many of which were published by the CIA.

Proquest Statistical Insight (Proquest)
Indexes statistical publications of intergovernmental organizations, such as the United Nations, plus other data about foreign countries produced by the U.S. Government and trade and professional groups. Microfiche copies of almost all titles are available in the Lockwood Microform Area (MicFiche HA154 .I542). The Index to International Statistics (IIS) (Lockwood Reference HA154 .I544) is the print counterpart to the database.

Prosperity (Legatum Institute for Global Development (LIGD)
Measures national prosperity in 50 nations, including the U.S., through variables that affect a satisfying life, rather than hard economic data, such as GDP. Examples include:


Featured Resources

Country Studies/Area Handbooks: (U.S. Library of Congress)   Books about different countries describe and analyze politics; economics; social and cultural factors; and national security. 

World Factbook (CIA): Presents almanac-type information about foreign countries. Topics deal with geography and environment; demography and vital statistics; ethnicity; religion; government; economy; and transportation and communications. Features of the online version let users view variables comparatively across all nations, and view rankings of selected data items.

World Bank Open Data: Free and open access to global development data.


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Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
422 Lockwood Library, North Campus
(716) 645-9178