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Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL)

Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025 3:25 PM

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This database is freely available to the general public via the Internet.


Full-text documents cover all aspects of homeland security and emergency management from terrorist threats through natural disasters. Federal, state, and local governments, international organizations, and nonprofit groups produced the information. Examples include:

* Major legislation and policy documents
* Presidential directives and executive orders
* Speeches and press releases
* Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports
* General Accountability Office (GAO) reports
* Think Tank reports
* Homeland security theses from the Naval Postgraduate School
* Federal agency reports
* Hearings and testimonies
* State and local agency reports
* Maps
* Multi-media sources

Special Features:

* Newsletter & Digest Collection that emphasizes domestic and international terrorist threats. Information is both pro and con towards the administration's policies.
* A link to homeland security related grants.
* Google searches of selected homeland security related Web sites (Whitehouse, Department of Homeland Security, Government, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and a flu epidemic site supported by the Department of Health and Human Services)

NOTE: The HSDL's General Collection of 60,000 items is available free to:

* Federal, state, tribal, and local government officials
* Members of the U.S. military
* Homeland security researchers and academics
* Security staff protecting organizations vital to U.S. infrastructure

ACCESS: Register with the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) for a login code and password to access an additional 2,000 restrict items.

Dates Covered

Most information is current, but selected materials go back to the 1960s.

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Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
422 Lockwood Library, North Campus
(716) 645-9178