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Honors 101 Presidential Seminar: Collections

Last Updated: Nov 7, 2024 2:55 PM

Paper and Photo Collections

  • Newspapers

    • The Spectrum.  UB's student newspaper since 1950.  Paper copies of the Spectrum are available in the University Archives and can be searched using a card catalog index or by requesting specific issues by date.
    • The Reporter.  UB's official newspaper since 1970.  Paper copies of the Reporter are available in the University Archives and can be searched using a card catalog index or by requesting specific issues by date..
    • Collection number 4/11/00-1: Clippings 1960-1982.  This collection contains photocopies of newspaper clippings from local non-UB newspapers such as the Buffalo News and the Courier Express.  The clippings are arranged chronologically by month and year.
  • Student Government collections

    • Collection number 9/4/62: Student Association records, 1961-1967.  A paper finding aid to this collection is available in the University Archives
    • Collection number 9/1/64: Graduate Student Association records, 1963-1970.  A paper finding aid to this collection is available in the University Archives.
    • Collection number 9/1/495: Graduate Student Association records, 1970-1976.  Online finding aid to this collection 
  • Student Union collections

    • Collection number 41/2/239: Norton Union Administration records, 1923-1970.  A paper finding aid to this collection is available in the University Archives.
    • Collection number 41/2/567: Norton Union Administration Annual Reports 1934-1981.  A paper finding aid to this collection is available in the University Archives.
    • Collection number 41/2/1018: Student Union records, 1965-1979.  A paper finding aid to this collection is available in the University Archives.
  • Photograph collections

    • Audio Visual Center collection.  Includes photos dating from 1952-1969 taken by the official UB photographer.  This collection can be accessed by searching a card catalog index.
    • Spectrum Photograph collection.  This collection contains photos taken by the Spectrum's photographer from the late 1960s through the early 1970s.  This collection has a section titled People in which the photos are arranged alphabetically by last name.
    • University Archives Photographs collection.  This collection has photographs from a variety of sources dating from the 1870s to the early 2000s.  Category 70 has photos of speakers and performers who have visited UB.



Digital Collections

  • University at Buffalo Yearbooks

    The first general student yearbook was the Iris. Published from 1898-1907, and 1920-1932, the Iris was succeeded by the Buffalonian. The inaugural issue of the Buffalonian appeared in 1934. It was on February 26, 1934, that Norton Union opened, and the title page for the first issue of the Buffalonian proudly states “Published by the Associated Students of the University of Buffalo at Norton Hall on the University Campus.” The Buffalonian was the yearbook for all UB students for only one year. In the 1935 medical and dental students launched a combined yearbook called the Medentian. When the Buffalonian ceased publication in 2001, it marked the end of a yearbook for undergraduates.


  • Spectrum, the University at Buffalo's Student Newspaper

    Students at the University at Buffalo launched a new newspaper in December 1950. The Spectrum succeeded the Bee (1921-1950) and Argus (1947-1950). This collection provides access to the first twelve years of the Spectrum. This award-winning newspaper has been published continuously since 1950, and three times a week it provides news stories and in-depth coverage of campus events and sports.


  • Colleague

    By the early 1950s, the University of Buffalo had expanded from a small group of autonomous schools into a modern university with 14 divisions and a central campus. No longer a small community, the university recognized that communication among staff and faculty was becoming increasingly haphazard. The newsletter Colleague was established in March, 1952 to ameliorate the situation. It continued publication until it was replaced by the UB Reporter in 1970.


  • UB Reporter

    The UB Reporter began publication on January 22, 1970, a time of tumult at the University. It succeeded the newsletter, Colleague and to this day, serves as the official source for “in house,” internal news. The first issue included an editorial, “Why The Reporter?” explaining the rationale for the newspaper:

    "The feeling was that the University lacks a sense of community—that communication is too helter-skelter—that too many groups feel alienated, apart. Somehow, it was felt, if these groups—faculty, student and staff—could come together on the commons and share their concerns and ideas, their activities, their aspirations and whatever else they have to offer, community and communications would result…But it will not produce instant community. Each of us will have to work toward that goal."


  • Prominent Visitors to Buffalo

    This collection chronicles many of the politicians, authors, musicians, and activists that visited Buffalo as well as UB. Documentation from the University Archives includes photographs, coverage of events from the UB Spectrum student newspaper, and related ephemera. Speakers include Robert F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson, Muhammad Ali, and Ralph Nader. Much of the coverage is from events from the 1960s and 1970s. Additional visitors and content are regularly added to the collection.


  • The Opinion Newspaper

    The Opinion is the official University at Buffalo Law School student newspaper. The first issue debuted on November 29, 1949 under the leadership of its first editor, Michael Beilewech, Jr. ‘51. The inception of the newspaper coincided with the opening of the new West Eagle Street law school building. The Opinion has historically served as a forum for law student viewpoints with an editorial staff comprised of University at Buffalo Law School students. In 1977 it won the American Bar Association’s Award for Excellence. The UB Libraries Digital Collections host volumes 1 (1949:Nov.) through volumes 47 (2009:Nov).