Identify books and other materials.
Then locate them at UB, or submit Delivery+ request to obtain from another location.
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Here is a selective list of sites useful for locating international conventions (treaties) and laws of other countries.
International Law Reports, 1919+ KZ 199 I58
Audiovisual Library of International Law (research portal)
Click on "Research Library," then "Jurisprudence" for links to Court websites.
Includes "Jurisprudence of International Courts, Tribunals, quasi-judicial entities and other mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of disputes "
Collection of Decisions of the European Commission of Human Rights (Recueil de Decisions de la Commission europeenne des droits de l'homme), 1960-1974 KJC5135.A5 E869
Decisions and reports / Council of Europe / European Commission of Human Rights
KJC5135 .A5 E87
(Decisions et rapports / Conseil de l'Europe / Commission europeenne des droits de l'homme) 1975+
Commonwealth Human Rights Law Digest K 3239.23 C66 (Ref)
Publications of the European Court of Human Rights (Publications de la Cour europeenne des droits de l'homme)
University of Nottingham, UK, International Human Rights Reports, 1994+ K 3239.23 I58 (Ref)
International Law Reports, 1919+ KZ 199 I58
Search these legal periodical indexes to identify relevant articles. Be creative with your search terms. Try very general as well as specific searches.
*Westlaw/Lexis access is restricted to law students only
Go to the “Research Guides” page for UB Libraries.
Select databases from a variety of subjects such as Law & Legal Studies, Global Gender Studies, Health Sciences, and others. These databases will lead you to journal articles and other materials. Here are just a few:
Global Gender Studies
Gender Watch
Academic Search Complete
Historical Abstracts
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Dissertations and Theses
Political Science
International Political Science Abstracts
PAIS International Online
Web of Science (includes Social Sciences Citation Index)
in the Libraries' Catalog as a TITLE search (click on the "Journals" button above the search box.).
in “Electronic Journal Holdings” or “E-Journals”
Use Google Translation Tools to translate (transliterate, that is...) any articles in other languages.
General Search Engines