Additional Random Materials
From clause to effect: including women’s rights and gender in peace agreements
by Cate Buchanan, Adam Cooper, Cody Griggers, Lira Low, Rita Manchanda, Rebecca Peters and Antonia Potter Prentice
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2012
pdf (106 pp.)
Abortion Rights Go Global: International courts begin to recognize them—and prompt a backlash.
By Michelle Goldberg. Jan. 29, 2009 (Slate)
Women's Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law Casebook
by Susan Deller Ross
See Table of Contents. is no longer a free online site
ReliefWeb is a specialized digital service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Resources on humanitarian information on global crises and disasters since 1996. Including:
--Protection and Human Rights:
Women and Natural Resources: Unlocking the Peacebuilding Potential pdf (74 pp.)
State of World Population 2013: Motherhood in Childhood - Facing the challenge of adolescent pregnancy pdf (132 pp.)
Reproductive Rights, International Regulation (Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law) by Julia Gebhard & Diana Trimiño last updated October 2009)
Below is a list of the SELECT DOCUMENTS (rearranged, with links added) included at the end of the Max Planck encyclopedia entry.
A Handbook for Advocacy in the African Human Rights System: Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Health, 2nd Edition. Chapel Hill, NC, Ipas Africa Alliance for Women's Reproductive Health and Rights, 2006
ISBN: 1-933095-03-2
Ch 1-6
1. Introduction
2. Reproductive and Sexual Health in Africa
3. The International Human Rights System
4. Reproductive and Sexual Health and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
5. The African Human Rights System
6. Interpreting Rights in Domestic Courts and Under the African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ Rights
Ch 7
7. Basic African Texts
Ch 8-10
8. African Regional Declarations, Resolutions and Decisions
9. Resolutions Adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
10. Other Interpretive Documents
Ch 11-12
11. Resources for the Protection of Reproductive and Sexual Rights
12. Other Resources: Print and Website Sources