Knovel E-Books: Science and Engineering
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2023 3:35 PM
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- Knovel E-Books: Science and Engineering This link opens in a new windowFull-text of a thousand science and engineering handbooks with a focus on books containing numeric data. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
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Our subscription does not include all of the titles in Knovel however the results default to show only what is in the UB subscription. To see all results, including those outside the subscription, toggle the button in the upper right-hand corner, just above the search results. Those items that we do not have access to will feature a padlock icon. For those titles, check the UB Libraries Catalog to see if we have the book in print or possibly in a digital format on another platform.
Knovel provides full-text access to an online collection of over a thousand science and engineering reference books. Many of the books are enhanced with features such as interactive tables that allow you to manipulate and customize the data as you would in a spreadsheet application. In addition, certain books also feature interactive graphs, equation plotters, and graph plotters.
Subject coverage includes: adhesives, aerospace technologies, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, ceramics, chemistry, chemical engineering, construction materials and engineering, electrical and power engineering, environmental engineering, food science, mechanics and mechanical engineering, metals and metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, plastics and rubbers, safety, health and hygiene, and semiconductors and electronics.
For video tutorials on how to search Knovel for e-books, as well as how to use the additional features like the Material Property Search, interactive graphs and tables, and plotting tools, please visit
Dates Covered
Varies by title.
Print Counterpart
The UB Libraries have some of the books in the Knovel E-Books database in various library unit print collections. If you wish to consult the print counterpart of one of these titles, use the UB Libraries Catalog to determine its availability, location, and call number.
Related Databases
- Taylor & Francis eBooks This link opens in a new window
- ProQuest Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
- Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science This link opens in a new window
Engineering Librarian

University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260