Appellate Practice
Business & Commercial
- Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts, 2nd ed., 5 vol. KFN 5225 C65 2005 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Getting Organized, 5th ed. (non-profits) KFN 5342 G47 1999 (NY Alcove)
- Sember, How to Form a Corporation in New York KFN 5345 Z9 S46 2003 (NY Alcove)
- How to Start a Business in New York, 3rd ed. KFN 5084 B87 B37 2005 (NY Alcove)
- The New York Corporation: Legal Aspects of Organization and Operation KF 1397 C654 no.2-3rd
- New York Forms: Practice Oriented Forms for New York and Business Transactions, 24 v. KFN 5068 N4 (NY Alcove)
- New York Laws Governing Business Entities, 2 v. KFN 5345 A29 N4 (Also NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Walker, New York Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships KFN 5339.5 W35 2002 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- New York Limited Liability Company: Forms & Practice Manual, 3rd ed., 2 v. KFN 5339.5 A65 L442 1997 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- New York Practice Guide: Business & Commercial, 5 v. KFN 5337 N48 1987 (NY Alcove)
- Schorr on New York Limited Liability Companies & Partnerships KFN 5339.5 S37 1994 (Also Koren AV)
- Transactional Lawyers Deskbook: Advising Business Entities KFN 5337 N45 2001 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- White, New York Business Entities, 14th ed., Rev. by Kantrowitz & Slutzky, 13 v. KFN 5340 W58 2005 (NY Alcove)
Civil Practice & Procedure
- West's McKinney's Forms - Appendix of Official Forms to the CPLR KFN 5068 W4 (NY Alcove)
See Vol. 1, Pt. 1; List reprinted in West's McKinney's Forms, CPLR Sec. 1:4
- Frumar et al., Bender's Forms for the Civil Practice with Explanatory Notes and Cross Reference, 15 v. KFN 5995 A65 B42 (NY Alcove)
- Bender's Forms of Pleading of the State of New York with Suggestions for Drafting Pleadings, Explanatory - Notes Citations of Reported - Cases and other References, 11v. KFN 6010 A65 B43 (NY Alcove)
- Brown, Callaghan's Bills of Particulars in New York, 2 v. KFN 6021 B5 G74 1990
- Carmody-Wait Cyclopedia of New York Practice with Forms, 2d ed., 30 v. KFN 5995 C342 (NY Alcove)
- Navigating through the New York State & Federal Courts KFN 5992 A2 1999 (NY Alcove)
- New York Forms, Contracts KFN 5068 N4 (NY Alcove)
Criminal Practice
- Henry B. Rothblatt, Criminal Law of New York - The Criminal Procedure Law (Forms in Appendix B. Table of Forms p. xxvii.) KFN 6155 R68 1971
- McKenna, Criminal Procedure in New York, 2nd ed. (Forms found in v. 2 chapter 55, accessible by v. 2 index under "Forms.") KFN 6155 P3 2006 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Muldoon & Feuerstein, Handling a Criminal Case in New York KFN 6100 R59 1994 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Salisbury, Manual of Procedure for New York Courts, 2007 ed. KFN 6155 S25 2007 (NY Alcove)
- New York Criminal Practice, 2nd ed. (formerly Waxner & Zett.), 8 v. KFN 6155 W38 2005 (NY Alcove)
- Gray, NYSBA, New York Criminal Practice Handbook, 2nd ed. KFN 6155 N49 1998 (Also NY Alcove)
- Katz & Shapiro, New York Suppression Manual (Forms in Ch.31) KFN 6166 K37 1991 (NY Alcove)
Decedents' Estates
- Klipstein & Bloom, Drafting New York Wills: Law and Forms, 3rd ed., 2 v. KFN 5201 K55 1983 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Estate Planning & Will Drafting in New York, 2006 Rev. ed. KFN 5195 E88 2006 (NY Alcove)
- Rohan, Estates Powers & Trusts Law (Benders NY Civil Practice Series), 7 v. KFN 5995 N492 v.7 (NY Alcove)
- Harris' 5th Edition New York Estates: Estate Planning & Taxation, Lawyers Coop KFN 5205 H332 1996 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Harris' 5th Edition New York Estates: Probate, Administration & Litigation, 2 v. KFN 5205 H333 1996 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- How to Make a New York Will, 2nd ed. KFN 5201 Z9 R64 1999 (NY Alcove)
- Kass on Wills KFN 5201 B56 1990 (NY Alcove)
- Arenson, New York Practice Guide: Probate and Estate Administration, 2 v. KFN 5205 N46 1985 (NY Alcove)
- Schlesinger & Mariani, New York Probate, Lawyers Co-op., 3 v. and Supp. KFN 5205 S35 1986 (NY Alcove)
- Keller, New York Wills, 2nd ed., 2 v. KFN 5201 K45 1993 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Cox, Arenson, Medina, Surrogate’s Court Procedure Act, 6 v., (Benders NY Civil Practice Series) Official Forms v. 1, S.106 KFN 5995 N495 (NY Alcove)
- Preminger, Trusts & Estates Practice in New York, 2 v., Table of forms, final chapter KFN 5195 T78 1997 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Markuson, Warren's Heaton on Surrogates Courts, 6th ed. Bender, 15 v. KFN 5205 H47 1940
- Hornbook of Forms Regarding Children with Disabilities: Based on Federal and New York State Statute and Regulations, 5th ed. KFN 5665 P4 H67 1997 (Also Koren AV)
Elder Law
Kasoff, Elder Law & Guardianship in New York KFN 5111 A33 K37 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
Russo & Rachlin, New York Elder Law Practice KFN 5111 A33 N485 (Also NY Alcove, Koren AV)
New York Guide to Tax, Estate & Financial Planning for the Elderly KFN 5111 A33 G65 1999 (NY Alcove)
Environmental Law
Family Law
- Zimmerman, Adoption Law: Practice & Procedure in the 21st Century KFN 5132 A95 2004 (NY Alcove)
- Kerschensteiner, Callaghan's Family Court Law and Practice in New York KFN 5116 .C35
- Child Custody, Visitation, & Support in New York KFN 5130 S46 2002 (NY Alcove)
- Carrieri & Lansner, Family Court Proceedings, 2nd ed. Benders NY Civil Practice Series, 4 v. KFN 5995 N4932 (NY Alcove); Lexis*
- File For Divorce in New York KFN 5126 Z9 S457 2007 (NY Alcove)
- Friendly Divorce Guidebook for New York KFN 5126 Z9 A34 1996 (Also NY Alcove)
- Abrams, Guardianship Practice in New York, See TOC/Forms in v. 1 KFN 5134 G84 1997 (NY Alcove)
- Brandes, Law and the Family: New York Forms, 4 v. KFN 5115 A65 B73 1995 (NY Alcove)
- Breger, Elkins & Fosbinder, New York Law of Domestic Violence, 2nd ed., 2 v. KFN 6121.4 E45 2007 (Also NY Alcove)
- Lindey & Parley on Separation Agreements and Antenuptial Contracts, 2nd ed., 2 v. KF 535 L5 1999
- Lansner & Reichler, Matrimonial Actions, Benders NY Civil Practice Ser., 4 v. KFN 5995 N494
- Scheinkman, New York Law of Domestic Relations, 2nd ed. KFN 5120 S34 2009 (NY Alcove)
- DaSilva, New York Matrimonial Practice, 2nd ed. KFN 5120 D38 2006 (NY Alcove)
- Bender, New York Practice Guide: Domestic Relations, 4 v. KFN 5115 N48 1988 (NY Alcove)
- Spouse and Child Support in New York KFN 5130 G35 1996 (NY Alcove)
Insurance Law
- Jensen on the Mechanics' Lien Law (and Related Procedures) of the State of New York, 4th ed. KFN 5229 J4 1963
Municipal Law
Pretrial Practice & Procedure
- Depositions: Practice and Procedure in Federal and New York State Courts KFN 6020 B34 2005 (NY Alcove)
- Payne, Modern New York Discovery, 2nd ed. KFN 6020 D87 2004
- New York Civil Practice Before Trial KFN 6020 N49 2001 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- See each Ch. Quickview
- Zayalet & Groble, NY Examinations Before Trial and Other Disclosure Devices, 2nd ed., 2 v. KFN 6020 K47 1998 (NY Alcove)
Real Property
- Finkelstein & Ferrar, Landlord & Tenant Practice in New York, 2 v. KFN 5145 Z9 F56 1997 (NY Alcove, Koren AV); Westlaw*
- Landlord’s Legal Guide in New York KFN Z9 S45 2002 (NY Alcove)
- Mortgages and Mortgage Foreclosure in New York, Rev. ed., 2 v. KFN 5175 M3 1982 (NY Alcove); Westlaw*
- New York Condominium and Cooperative Law, 2nd ed. KFN 5142 D52 1995
- New York Forms: Practice Oriented Forms for New York and Business Transactions, 24 v. KFN 5068 N4 (NY Alcove)
- NY Landlord’s Law Book KFN 5145 Z9 H35 2003 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Morris, New York Practice Guide: Real Estate, 6 v. KFN 5140 N48 1986 (NY Alcove, Reserve)
- Rasch, New York Practice of Real Property, 3 v. KFN 5140 R3 1991 (NY Alcove)
- New York Real Property Service, 15 v. KFN 5140 A6 N49 (NY Alcove)
- Practical Real Estate, 2nd ed. KFN 5169 H56 1995 (NY Alcove)
- Scherer, Residential Landlord-Tenant Law in New York KFN 5145 R476 (Also NY Alcove)
- Dolan, Rasch’s Landlord and Tenant Including Summary Proceedinqs, 4th ed., 3 v. KFN 5145 R3 1998 (NY Alcove)
- Tenants’s Rights in New York KFN 5145 Z9 S455 2000 (NY Alcove)
Trial Practice
- New York Motions in Limine: Evidence Exclusion Guide KFN 6012 G742 (Also NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- New York Trial Notebook KFN 6025 B57 2005 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Goodman & Leventhal, Charges to the Jury and Requests to Charge in a Criminal Case, 2 v. KFN 6171 D69 1983 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
- Forms accessible by chapter table of contents
- Criminal Jury Instructions New York, 2d.ed., 2v. by The Committee on Criminal Jury Instructions of the State of New York KFN 6171 A65 C65 1995 (Also NY Alcove); Current Edition Online
- New York Pattern Jury Instructions, Civil, 3rd ed., 2 v. (1A, 1B, 2), The Committee on Pattern Jury Instructions, Association of Supreme Court Justices KFN 6047 A65 A83 3rd (Also NY Alcove); Westlaw*
Workers' Compensation
- Minkowitz, New York Workers' Compensation KFN 5592 M56 (NY Alcove)
Forms follow each chapter
- Salkin, New York Zoning Law and Practice, 4th ed., 3 v. KFN 5811 A95 2000 (NY Alcove, Koren AV)
Forms in v. 2, ch. 42-45
- NYSBA, Zoning Board of Appeals Practice in New York KFN 5811 F59 1996 (Also NY Alcove)
*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only