Legal Links by Jurisdiction: States (US)
States (US)
- Google Scholar - CaseLawClick on "Case Law" below the search box; then select courts desired
- Legal Website Directory: State Resource Center (LexisNexis Community Portal )Extensive links for all branches of state government, plus more.
- State & Local Government on the NetState Government Offices, Local US Government, City Government and Federal Government
Search or Browse by State/Local or Topic. - Guide to Law Online: U.S. States & Territories (Law Library of Congress)Links to : States and Territories; Legal Links, & General Sources
- Ballotpedia: State PoliticsProjects cover executive officials, legislative developments, judicial trends and ballot measures across the nation.
Topics include: Elections, U.S. Congress, Federal courts, State executive offices, State legislature, Ballot measures, Local ballot measures, State courts, Municipal government, School boards, Energy policy, Environmental policy, Education policy, Pension policy, Budget policy, Elections policy, Voting in each state, and Healthcare policy - AllLawState legal resources
- State Digital Resources: Memory Projects, Online Encyclopedias, Historical & Cultural Materials Collections (Library of Congress)"The Library of Congress American Memory project, Primary Sources by State, State Resource Guides, and other digital initiatives provide free access through the Internet to the treasures of the Library’s collections that document America’s history, culture, and creativity."
- State Legislatures, State Laws, and State Regulations: Website Links and Telephone Numbers LLSDC - Law Librarians' Society of Washington, DC)Links to Administrative Code for each state.
- Court Rules, Forms and Dockets (LLRX)This site includes links to over 1,400 sources for state and federal court rules, forms and dockets. You can browse to find the resource you need, or search by keyword.
- State Court Web Sites (NCSC: National Center for State Courts)"This page provides judicial branch links for each state, focusing on the administrative office of the courts, the court of last resort, any intermediate appellate courts, and each trial court level. "
- Comparing State Courts (NCSC)Includes: State Court Organization; Civil Appeals Profile database; Court Statistics Project Legislative; Judicial Salaries; Language Access Programs; Judicial Selection; and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) .
- State Legislative Websites Directory (NCSL)"This database contains information gleaned from the home pages and websites of the fifty state legislatures, the District of Columbia and the Territories. You can select to view specific website content materials (such as, bills, press rooms, statutes) from one state at a time."
- State Statutes on the Internet (Cornell LII)Subject listing leads to list of states; general citation & links to statutes online are provided.
- National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL)Also known as the Uniform Law Commission.
Search or browse: Current Acts, Acts in Drafting, and Topics Under Study. - Uniform Commercial Code Locator (LII)"This locator links to state statutes that correspond to Articles of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Locators are also available for the Uniform Probate Code, Uniform Code of Evidence, and uniform laws in the areas of: matrimonial, family and health and business and finance."
- Election Information - VOTE411 Voter Guide (League of Women Voters)Find voter information for all 50 states.
Search by state(s) and/or topic(s) : Absentee voting, candidate and ballot measure information, early voting, election dates, eligibility requirements, ID requirements, poll workers, polling place details, provisional voting, voter registration, voting machines. - Winning Freedom to Marry Nationwide (Freedom to Marry)History of the right for same-sex couples to marry in each state. List of organizations in each state that actively worked on the issue.
- Overview of Paid Sick Time Laws in the United States ( states, 27 cities, and one county across the United States have paid sick time laws on the books. This document provides an overview and comparison of these laws.
- TaxRates.orgView State (and some local) income tax, sales tax, property tax rates by state.