Mathematics: Main
Top Resources
- AMS Journals This link opens in a new windowAMS Journals provides full-text access to pre-print articles published by AMS. AMS peer-reviewed journals, which currently include two gold open-access journals, have been published since 1891 and cover a broad range of topics in mathematics. The online interface offers electronic access available in advance of print.
- arXiv This link opens in a new windowOpen access to 1.6 million e-prints in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Full-text, searchable access with browsing available by discipline and topic.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR is a highly selective digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources. Full runs of more than 2,600 top scholarly journals, from almost 1,200 publishers in more than 57 countries, covering topics in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, including mathematics. Also includes 70,000 DRM-free ebooks from scholarly publishers, with no limitations on the number of uses or downloads.
- MathSciNet This link opens in a new windowMathSciNet, published by AMS, is a database of reviews in contemporary and historical math literature that allows you to search over 60 years of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications, both published by AMS. It provides timely reviews or summaries of articles and books that contain new contributions to mathematical research. Included are over 3 million articles and books, with direct links to over 2 million articles in over 1,800 journals. MathSciNet includes expert reviews, personalizable author profiles, and citation information on articles, books, journals, and authors.
- Project Euclid This link opens in a new windowProject Euclid is a searchable database of 19 journals from a variety of publishers in mathematics and statistics that provides hosting and publishing services to nonprofit, independent and society scholarly publishers in mathematics and statistics. It aims to provide broad, sustainable, and affordable access to this scholarship and to actively support global creation and dissemination of mathematics and statistics.
- SIAM Journals This link opens in a new windowSIAM (Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics) Journals Online provides full-text access to journals published by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics from 1997 to the present.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowWeb of Science allows simultaneous searching of thirteen major databases in STEM fields, and functions in part as a citation index and in part as full-text access. A search across all these databases covers journal articles, conference papers, books, book chapters, patents, data sets, and chemical reactions from thousands of published sources.
More Databases & Web Resources
- Annual Reviews This link opens in a new windowCritical reviews of current research in biomedical, life, physical, and social sciences disciplines.
- Cornell Historical Math Monographs CollectionDigitized historical mathematics books from Cornell.
- National Science Digital Library (NSDL) - MathematicsThe NSDL was created by the National Science Foundation to provide organized access to high quality resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new windowComprehensive North American and significant international coverage of graduate works, often providing full-text documents from 1997 on.
- Zentralblatt MATHContains over 2 million citations to books, journals and conferences from 1868 to the present and includes the Jahrbuch Database.
Encyclopedias, Directories, Handbooks
- Abbreviations of Names of Serials reviewed in Mathematical ReviewsLists the titles in Mathematical Reviews, with ISSN and place of publication.
- The Basic Library ListThe Mathematical Association of America list of standard and classic mathematics books, useful for self-study or reference, and revised every 25 years
- MathWorldA comprehensive and interactive mathematics encyclopedia intended for students, educators, math enthusiasts, and researchers.
- Open Online Courses in MathematicsA list of more than 40 courses in mathematics for interested undergraduate and graduate students or alumni who may wish to explore classes in mathematics not taught at the University at Buffalo.

Jill Hackenberg
117 Lockwood Library
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260