New York Law Journal
Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024 9:06 AM
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- New York Law Journal (Law School) This link opens in a new windowNewspaper covering New York legal news and cases as well as national legal issues. More InfoFull-Text IN-HOUSE
This resource can only be accessed from within the Law Library and O'Brian Hall. Remote access is available to current members of the UB School of Law community (see Special Instructions below).
Daily legal newspaper (published Mon. - Fri.) covering the legal profession and the law. Covers New York legal news and cases as well as national legal issues. Includes commentary and editorials.
The NYLJ may be accessed online via, which includes access to the following publications:
- Radar
- American Lawyer
- Corporate Counsel
- National Law Journal
- Legal Tech News
- New York Law Journal
- The Legal Intelligencer
- The Recorder
- Connecticut Law Tribune
- Daily Business Review
- Daily Report
- Delaware Business Court Insider
- Delaware Law Weekly
- New Jersey Law Journal
- Texas Lawyer
- Supreme Court Brief
- Litigation Daily
Special Instructions
Off-campus access is restricted to current UB law students (JD, LLM, JSD) and law faculty. Current members of the UB Law School community may contact a Law Reference Librarian for instructions on creating their own individual account.
Dates Covered
Available in Other Formats
- New York Law JournalCall Number: K14 .E9325 (Law Library- Reserve & Microform collection)--Current issues on Reserve in print format
--1888 to present --available on microfilm
Indexes to Cases appearing in the New York Law Journal:
- Clark’s digest-annotator : covering the lower court opinions of the first & second judicial departments, as reported in the New York law journal during the year ... byCall Number: KFN5047.1 .C53 (Law Library General Collection)Publication Date: v.1 (1937)-v.45 (1981)
- New York law journal digest-annotator : ... year covering the lower court opinions of the first and second judicial departments, as published in the New York law journal. byCall Number: KFN5047.1 .C53 (Law Library General Collection)Publication Date: v.47 (1983)-v.67 (2003)Publication ceased with v. 67, no. 12 (Dec. 2003)?
Related Databases
- Factiva This link opens in a new window
Covers the NYLJ from 9/11/ 2001 to present.
Updated daily at 3pm. - Lexis+ (Law School) This link opens in a new window
NYLJ databases on LEXIS+ include:
New York Law Journal
From January 3, 1989 through current.
Includes "latest legal news, court information and decisions..." as well as "...scholarly articles and a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions..." and "professional advice, book, restaurant, and travel reviews, humorous essays and technology expertise." Court "opinions have been removed from this news source and placed in a source containing only the full-text case law opinions from the NYLJ. Over 300,000 cases are available in this new source located at Legal > States Legal - U.S. > New York > Find Cases > NY Cases from NYLJ (ALM) from 1989."
Cases from NYLJ (ALM) from 1989
"This source contains over 325,000 full-text decisions from 1989 to current, from ALM's electronic collection for the print publication. However, some cases published in the Journal may not be available in this collection. Specifically, January 1, 1990 - March 31, 1990 are unavailable."
New York Judicial Profiles (ALM)
Current coverage; updated regularly.
"The NY judicial profile source contains information pertaining to judges presiding in the state of New York, pulled from the New York Law Journal. Each document typically contains the judge's name, court, address and phone. Some enhanced records also include education, membership affiliations, noteworthy decisions and articles written by the judge."
NY Lower Courts - Trial Orders
Earliest decision dated December 8, 1803.
"Decisions from the lower courts of the State of New York, including: Supreme courts, County courts, Court of Claims, Family courts, Surrogate's courts, the District Court (Suffolk and Nassau counties), City courts, the Town and Village Justice courts, the Civil Court of the City of New York, and the Criminal Court of the City of New York. Source also includes NY Trial Orders decisions published in the New York Law Journal (ALM)."
NY Lower Courts - Trial Orders from New York Law Journal(ALM)
From January 28, 1989 through current.
Trial Orders published in the New York Law Journal (ALM).
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