Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2023 3:12 PM
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- Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context) This link opens in a new windowComplete one-stop source for information on social issues. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
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Opposing Viewpoints draws on the acclaimed social issues series published by Greenhaven Press, as well as core reference content from other Gale and Macmillan Reference USA sources to provide a complete one-stop source for information on social issues. Content includes:
- Topic overviews
- Pro/con viewpoint essays
- Primary source documents
- Biographies of social activists and reformers
- Court case overviews
- Periodical articles
- Statistical tables, charts and graphs
- Images and links to Google Image Search
- Podcasts, including weekly presidential addresses and National Public Radio programs
- A national and state curriculum standards search
Selections taken from the following Greenhaven Press series:
- At Issue
- Contemporary Issues Companions
- Current Controversies
- Opposing Viewpoints Digests
- Opposing Viewpoints
- Teen Decision
Dates Covered
1980 to present
Print Counterpart
Opposing Viewpoint Series
Check the UB Libraries Catalog for locations and call numbers.
Related Databases
- Points of View Reference Center This link opens in a new window