Philosophy: Tools for Researchers
Writing a Philosophy Paper
- Writing a Philosophy Paper, from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Brief Guide to Writing a Philosophy Paper, from Harvard University
- Guidelines for Writing a Philosophy Paper, from MIT
- Tackling the Philosophy Paper, from Cambridge University
- Resources for Undergraduates, from the American Philosophical Association
Associate Librarian for the Humanities
What's New in Philosophy?
- Department of Philosophy, University at Buffalo
- Humanities Institute, University at Buffalo
- Ontology, maintained by Prof. Barry Smith, University at Buffalo
- American Philosophical Association
Citation Management & Style
- EndNote: The University at Buffalo Libraries provide EndNote™ citation management software to UB's academic community under the terms of a site license funded by the UB Libraries and the student technology fee. Please see our guide to EndNote for more details.
- Zotero: Zotero offers free, web-integrated citation management software. While Zotero is not supported or generally taught by staff at UB Libraries, it remains popular with many users. Please see our guide to Zotero for more details.
- Citing Sources: This research guide, prepared by UB Libraries, offers solid guidance and orientation for using most of the major citation styles.
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue OWL): The Purdue OWL offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use, and detailed guide to academic writing, from argumentation to citation style.
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French philosopher, theologian, physicist, mathematician, inventor, and early computer scientist. (Image source)
Citation Indices
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index This link opens in a new windowAn international and multidisciplinary database indexing more than 1,100 arts and humanities journals, as well as relevant references from over 6,800 science and social sciences periodicals.
- Book Citation Index This link opens in a new windowTracks the number of times books and book chapters are cited.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowSearch the Web of Science citation indices, the BIOSIS Citation Index, the Derwent Innovations Index, MEDLINE and more from a single search box.
- UB Institutional Repository This link opens in a new windowThe digital Institutional Repository for the University at Buffalo.
- OpenDOAR This link opens in a new windowDirectory of open access academic repositories containing primary and secondary material.
Dissertations & Theses
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new windowComprehensive North American and significant international coverage of graduate works, often providing full-text documents from 1997 on.
- Proquest Dissertations & Theses @ SUNY Buffalo This link opens in a new windowProvides title, author, and subject access to dissertations from the University at Buffalo in ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses database.