Last Updated: Oct 24, 2022 9:22 AM
Connect to Database
In order to access UpToDate remotely, you will be prompted to create a free UpToDate account if you do not already have one. Please do not use your UB credentials as your UpToDate username and password.
UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical resource which provides specific, detailed answers to clinical questions and treatment recommendations based on the best medical evidence. World-renowned physician authors, editors and peer reviewers synthesize the most recent medical information into evidence-based topic reviews addressing clinical issues that span over 22 specialties. Topic reviews include links to fully illustrated and referenced charts, x-rays, photographs, movies and Medline abstracts with links to full text from subscribed journals.
Evidence is graded on two levels (strong and weak), although not all summaries have graded evidence. The grading scheme classifies recommendations as strong (Grade 1) or weak (Grade 2), according to the balance between benefits, risks, burden, and cost, and the degree of confidence in estimates of benefits, risks, and burden. The system classifies quality of evidence (as reflected in confidence in estimates of effects) as high (Grade A), moderate (Grade B), or low (Grade C) according to factors that include the risk of bias, precision of estimates, the consistency of the results, and the directness of the evidence.
The product also includes: medical calculators; Practice Changing Updates and What’s New sections that highlight specific new recommendations that may change current clinical practice; different levels of patient education materials; ability to search in 10 languages; search filters for adult, pediatric, patient and graphics; topic prompts to assist in searching; and a link directly to Lexi-Comp to search drug-drug, drug-herb, and herb-herb interactions. Produced by Wolters Kluwer.
Access Methods
Note: The first time you access UpToDate through the UB link, register for a new account or use your existing UpToDate login to sign in. Please do not use your UB credentials as your UpToDate username and password.
You do not need an UpToDate account if you are only using UpToDate on campus. However, if you create an account, you can earn CME/CE/CPD credits.
Access methods:
- Onsite access - Click the link under Connect to Database listed above or go to uptodate.com. If you are onsite and want to earn CME/CE/CPD credits, log in with your individual account credentials.
- Offsite Access via Computer - Click the link under Connect to Database listed above or go to www.uptodate.com and log in with your individual UpToDate username and password. If you use the UB link, log in to your individual account. You should be logged in automatically if you continue to use the UB link. If you go directly to the UpToDate site, you will need to reverify your account every 90 days by logging in using the link under Connect to Database.
- Offsite Access via Mobile Device - Click the link under Connect to Database listed above or open a browser on your mobile device and go to www.uptodate.com. Log in with your personal UpToDate username and password. If you go directly to the UpToDate site, you will need to reverify your account every 90 days by logging in using the link under Connect to Database.
- UpToDate Mobile App Access - Download the mobile app from the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store. Log in with your personal UpToDate username and password. You only need to do this once because the app stores your username and password. You will need to log in to UpToDate using the link above under Connect to Database to reverify access every 90 days.
App system requirements
For iPhone, iPad, or iPad touch: iTunes App Store / iOS 11.0 or higher / size 19.7 MB
For Android: Google Play / OS 4.3 or higher / size 8.0M
Maintaining access
If you do not typically go through the UB Libraries link, 90 day re-verification is required.
Dates Covered
Reviewed and updated daily.
Related Databases
- ClinicalKey This link opens in a new window