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Textbooks by 1Upper-Level Class

Course Number

Course Title


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LAW 517 LAWR III Brown, George

1. Harvard Law Review, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. 21st edition. Harvard Law Review Association, 2020.

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2. Linda J. Barris. Understanding and Mastering the Bluebook. 4th edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2020.

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3. Kuney, George W. & Donna C. Looper. Mastering Legal Analysis and Drafting. 2nd edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2024.

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4. Romantz, David S. Legal Analysis: The Fundamental Skill. 3rd edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2020.

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5. Coughlin, Christine Nero. A lawyer writes : a practical guide to legal analysis. 3rd edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2020.

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6. Gardner, James. Legal Argument: The Structure and Language of Effective Advocacy. 3rd edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2020.

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LAW 517 LAWR III Paskey, St.

1. Kuney, George W. & Donna C. Looper. Mastering Legal Analysis and Drafting. 2nd edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2024.

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2. Gardner, James. Legal Argument: The Structure and Language of Effective Advocacy. 3rd edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2020.

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3. Neumann, Richard K., Jr & J. Lyn Entrikin. Legal Drafting by Design: A Unified Approach. 1st edition, Aspen, 2018.

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4. McCarl, Ryan, Elegant Legal Writing .1st edition. Univ. of Cal Press, 2024.

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5. Osbeck, Mark K., Impeccable research : a concise guide to mastering legal research skills .3rd edition. West Academic, 2022.

Find Impeccable research: a concise guide to mastering legal research skills at West Academic

LAW 564 Legal Ethics and  Professional Responsibility Doyle, V.

1. Bennett, Ellen J., Helen W,. Gunnarson, Nancy G. Kisicki, Annotated Model Rules of Professional Conduct. 10th edition. ABA, 2023.

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2. Renee Knake Jefferson, Professional Responsibility: A Contemporary Approach. 5th edition. West Academic, 2023.

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LAW 564 Legal Ethics and  Professional Responsibility Mohun, M.

1. Renee Knake Jefferson, Professional Responsibility: A Contemporary Approach. 5th edition. West Academic, 2023.

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2. Ellen J. Bennett, Helen W. Gunnarsson, Nancy G. KisickiAnnotated Model Rules of Professional Conduct. 10th edition, ABA, 2023.

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LAW 583 International Business Transaction Mutua, M.

1. Jackson, John H., William J. Davey, Alan O. Sykes. International Economic Relations . 7th edition, West Academic Publishing, 2021.

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LAW 605

Conflict of Laws

Coleman, T.

1. Laura E. Little, Conflict of Laws: Cases, Materials, and Problems. 2nd edition. Aspen Publishing, 2018.

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LAW 608 Federal Income Tax Forman, H.

1. Martin J. Burke. Taxation of Individual Income. 13th edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2023.

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2. Daniel J Lathorpe. Selected Federal Taxation Statutes and Regulations, 2023 with Motro Tax Map. 2024 edition, West Academic Publishing, 2024.

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LAW 610 Criminal Procedure: Investigation Chiesa, L.

1. Joshua Dressler. Criminal Procedure, Investigating Crime. 8th edition, West Academic, 2023.

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LAW 612 Constitutional Law II Melish, T.

1. Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  . 6th Edition, Wolters Kluwer, 2020.

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LAW 613 Evidence Bartholomew, C.

1. Nicolas, Peter. Evidence: A Problem-Based and Comparative Approach. 4th Edition, Carolina Academic Press, 2018.

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2. Nicolas, Peter. Evidence: 2021 Statutory Supplement. 4th Edition, Carolina Academic Press, 20121.

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LAW 614 Estate Planning Schultz. T.

1. Madoff Ray D., Cornelia R. Tenny, Martin A. Hall & Lisa N. Mingolla. Practical Guide to Estate Planning. Waolters Kluwer, 2024.

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LAW 617

Gratuitous Transfers Forman, H.

1. Jesse Dukeminier & Robert H. Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts and Estates. 11th edition, Aspen Publishing, 2021. 

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LAW 632 Academic Legal Writing I O'Rourke, A.

1. Eugene, Volokh, Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review. 5th Edition, Foundation Press, 2016. 

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LAW 638 Trial Technique Barnes, S & Barnes, R.

1. Charles Rose, Fundamental Trial Advocacy, 3rd edition, West Academic Publishing, 2015. 

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2. Anthony J. Bocchino, Federal Rules of Evidence with Objections, 16th edition, Aspen Publishing, 2024. 

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3. Boals, Elizabeth I, State v. Peyton: Case File, Trial Materials, 3rd edition, NITA.

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4. Boals, Elizabeth I, Addison v. Peyton: Case File, 3rd edition, NITA, 2022. 

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LAW 638 Trial Technique Cohen, H.

1. Charles Rose, Fundamental Trial Advocacy, 3rd edition, West Academic Publishing, 2015. 

Find Fundamental Trial Advocacy at West Academic

2. Anthony J. Bocchino, Federal Rules of Evidence with Objections, 16th edition, Aspen Publishing, 2024. 

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3. Boals, Elizabeth I, State v. Peyton: Case File, Trial Materials, 3rd edition, NITA.

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4. Boals, Elizabeth I, Addison v. Peyton: Case File, 3rd edition, NITA, 2022. 

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LAW 638 Trial Technique Kubiak, F.

1. Charles Rose, Fundamental Trial Advocacy, 3rd edition, West Academic Publishing, 2015. 

Find Fundamental Trial Advocacy at West Academic

2. Anthony J. Bocchino, Federal Rules of Evidence with Objections, 16th edition, Aspen Publishing, 2024. 

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3. Boals, Elizabeth I, State v. Peyton: Case File, Trial Materials, 3rd edition, NITA.

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4. Boals, Elizabeth I, Addison v. Peyton: Case File, 3rd edition, NITA, 2022. 

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LAW 638 Trial Technique Murray, M.

1. Charles Rose, Fundamental Trial Advocacy, 3rd edition, West Academic Publishing, 2015. 

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2. Anthony J. Bocchino, Federal Rules of Evidence with Objections, 16th edition, Aspen Publishing, 2024. 

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3. Boals, Elizabeth I, State v. Peyton: Case File, Trial Materials, 3rd edition, NITA.

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4. Boals, Elizabeth I, Addison v. Peyton: Case File, 3rd edition, NITA, 2022. 

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LAW 638 Trial Advocacy Schnirel, R.

1. Charles Rose, Fundamental Trial Advocacy, 3rd edition, West Academic Publishing, 2015. 

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2. Anthony J. Bocchino, Federal Rules of Evidence with Objections, 16th edition, Aspen Publishing, 2024. 

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3. Boals, Elizabeth I, State v. Peyton: Case File, Trial Materials, 3rd edition, NITA.

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4. Boals, Elizabeth I, Addison v. Peyton: Case File, 3rd edition, NITA, 2022. 

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LAW 647 Law, Advocacy & Social Change Mutua, A.

1. Francesco Valdes, Critical Justice: Systemic Advocacy in Law and Society, West Academic Publishing, 2021. 

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LAW 653 Workers Compensation Newell, P.

1. Joseph Little, Workers' Compensation: Cases and Materials, 7th edition, West Academic Publishing, 2015. 

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LAW 654 Business Associations Mutua, A.

1. David Epstein, Business Structures, 6th edition, West Academic Publishing, 2024. 

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LAW 663 International Trade Law Lewis, M.

1. Chow, Daniel C.K., International Trade Law Problems, Cases, and Materials, 4th edition, West Academic Publishing, Aspen 2022. 

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2. Chow, Daniel C.K., International Trade Law: Documents Supplement to the Fourth Edition, 4th edition, West Academic Publishing, Aspen 2022. 

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LAW 690 Alternative Dispute Resolution Civiletto, C.

1. Moffitt, Michael L. & Robert C. Bardone. The Handbook of Dispute Resolution. 1st edition, ‎ Jossey-Bass, 2005.

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LAW 694 Criminal Adjudication O'Rourke, A.

1. Allen, Ronald et al. Comprehensive Criminal Procedure. 5th edition, ‎ Aspen Publishing, 2020.

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LAW 695 Land Use Planning Murrary, W.

1. John R. Nolon, Land Use & Sustainable Development Law, Cases & Materials, 9th edition, West Academic Publishing, 2017. 

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LAW 718 Intro to Health Care Organization Kranz

1. Shi, Leiyu and Douglas Singh. Delivering Health Care in America: a Systems Approach. 8th edition, Jones & Bartlett.

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2. Washington, Harriet A.. Medical apartheid : the dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present. Doubleday Books, 2006

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LAW 722

Mediation Theory & Practice Sugarman. S.

1. Roger Fisher. Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in. 3rd edition, Penguin, 2011.

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2. Jennifer Beer. The Mediator's Handbook: Revised & Expanded. 4th edition, New Society Publishers, 2012.

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3. Daniel J Lathorpe. The Practice of Mediation: a Video Integrated Text. 3rd edition, Wolters Kluwer, 2018.

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4. Himmelstein & Friedman, Challenging Conflict: Mediation Through Understanding. 1st edition, ABA, 2009.

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LAW 740 Public International Law Mutua, M.

1. Lori Fisler Damrosch & Sean D. Murphy, International Law: Cases and Materials, 7th edition, West Academic, 2019. 

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LAW 741 Forensic Science Jay, D.

1. David Owen, Hidden Evidence: 50 True Crimes and How Forensic Science Helped Solve Them. Limited, 2009.

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2. Dwyer, Neufeld & Scheck, Actual Innocence: Five Days to Execution, and Other Dispatches From the Wrongly Convicted. Doubleday Books 2000.

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LAW 859 International Criminal Law Taye, M.

1. Van Schaack, Beth & Ronald C. Slye, International Criminal Law and Its Enforcement, Cases and Materials, 4th edition, West Academic Publishing, 2020. 

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LAW 881 Entrepreneurship Law Clinic Pelkey, M.

1. Alvarez, Alicia, Introduction to Transactional Lawyering Practice, 2nd edition, West Academic Publishing, 2022. 

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2. Feld, Brad. Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist. 4th edition, Wiley, 2019.

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LAW 891 Copyright Bartholomew, M.

1. Cohen, Julie, Copyright in a Global Information Economy. Aspen Publishing, 5th edition, 2020.

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LAW 896 Family Violence & Women's Rights Clinic Olin, J.

1. Deborah Epstein, The Clinic Seminar, West Academic, 2014. 

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2. Roger Fisher. Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in. 3rd edition, Penguin, 2011.

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LAW 956 Introduction to Appellate Advocacy Scharf, J.

1. Harvard Law Review, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. 21st edition. Harvard Law Review Association, 2020.

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2. Berry, Carole C. & Raymond Michael Ripple, Effective Appellate Advocacy: Brief Writing and Oral Argument, 5th, West Academic, 2016. 

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3. Scalia, Antonin, Making your case: the art of persuading judges. Thomson/West.

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Questions/ Comments

If you have any questions or comments about this guide please contact:

Austin Waters
Student Services Librarian
221B O'Brian Hall
University at Buffalo Law Library
716- 645-8595