Louise Blanchard Bethune: Every Woman Her Own Architect: Delaware District
Bethune, Bethune, & Fuchs Buildings - Delaware District

Bethune, Bethune, Fuchs - Delaware District Building Map
Click on arrows located on the left and right of the image to see more documentation on each building

Chase House
Image Source: 1925, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (98)
Address: 67 Lexington Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1891
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: John Lord Chase
Cost: Unknown
Misc. Notes: Frame Structure
References: Buffalo Courier, Oct 3, 1891) Pg 6

Comstock House
Image Source: 1915, The New Century Atlas of Greater Buffalo, Vol. 1, (18L)
Address: 45 Lexington Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1890
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: George W. Comstock
Cost: $6,200
Misc. Notes: Frame Structure, Warren sold property to Comstock in Jul 1889 for $1
References: Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express (July 24, 1889) & May 4 1890

Hickman House
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (69)
Address: 1268 Main St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1885
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: A.A. Hickman
Cost: $5,000
Misc. Notes: N/A
References: AA & BN 17 (Feb 28, 85) 107

Potter Residence
Image Source: 1894, The Atlas of the City of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (18L)
Address: 1119 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1892
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: George Starr Potter
Cost: Unknown
Misc. Notes: N/A
References: N/A

Tillinghast House
Image Source: 1925, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (73)
Address: 685 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1890
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: James D. Tillinghast
Cost: $5,000
Misc. Notes: Possibly a barn
References: AE 4 (June 1890) 138

Warren House
Image Source: 1925, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (11)
Address: 41 Lexington Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1890
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: Melvin F. Warren
Cost: $6,500
Misc. Notes: Frame Structure
References: Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express (July 24, 1889) & May 4 1891

Williams House
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1 (105)
Address: 17 W. Utica St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1892
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: Hon. B.H. Williams
Cost: Unknown
Misc. Notes: Williams and Potter were law partners
References: Buffalo Courier, (Oct 3, 1891) Pg 6