Louise Blanchard Bethune: Every Woman Her Own Architect: Lower West Side
Bethune, Bethune, & Fuchs Buildings - Lower West Side
![1916 Map of the Lower West Side neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, which marks the location of buildings designed by Bethune, Bethune, & Fuchs architects](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Lower_West_Side_Redo.jpg)
Bethune, Bethune, & Fuchs - Lower West Side Building Map
Click on arrows located on the left and right of the image to see more documentation on each building
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where the Homeopathic Hospital was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Maryland___12th_Unknown_Addition_to_Homeopathic_Hospital.jpg)
Homeopathic Hospital Addition
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1 (40)
Address: Maryland St. & 12th St. (Now W. Tupper), Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1886
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: Homeopathic Hospital
Cost: $8,000
Misc. Notes: addition 1-story
References: IA&BN 7(April 86) 48
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where Bell house is located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Prospect_427_Bell_House.jpg)
Bell House
Image Source: 1925, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol.1, (131)
Address: 427 Prospect Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1887
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: George Bell
Cost: $4,000
Misc. Notes: N/A
References: IA&BN 7(Oct 86) 42
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where Cosack & Co. Lithography was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Lake_View_92-100_Cosack___Co._Lithography.jpg)
Cosack & Co. Lithography
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (57)
Address: Lake View Ave. (Stretches to 4th St.), Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1885
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: H.T. Koerner
Cost: $22,000
Misc. Notes: 3-story, 60'x264'
References: AA&BN 17(Feb 28, 85) 107
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where Niagara Storage Warehouse was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Niagara_220-224_Storage_Warehouse_Mease___Snyder__2_.jpg)
Niagara Storage Warehouse Enlargement
Image Source: 1925, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (40), 1915, The New Century Atlas of Greater Buffalo, New York, Vol. 2, (30L)
Address: 220-224 Niagara St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1890
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: Mease & Snyder
Cost: $20,000
Misc. Notes: N/A
References: AE 4 (June 1890) BREN (Nov. 1890) E&BR 22 (June 7, 1890)
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where the Mitchell house was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Prospect_197_Mitchell_House.jpg)
Mitchell House
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (38)
Address: 197 Prospect Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1885
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: W.G. Mitchell
Cost: $3,500
Misc. Notes: AIA Application
References: AA & BN 17(Feb 28, 85) 107
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where Police Station #10 was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Niagara_Unknown_Police_Station__10.jpg)
Police Station #10
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1 (47)
Address: Niagara St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1892
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: Buffalo Police Department
Cost: Unknown
Misc. Notes: N/A
References: Buffalo Courier, Oct 3, 1891) Pg 6
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where the Riley house was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Georgia_116_Riley_House.jpg)
Riley House
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (22)
Address: 116 Georgia St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1885
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: Michael Riley
Cost: $3,000
Misc. Notes: frame
References: IA&BN 8(Jun 85) 79
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where the Smither store is located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Niagara_588-592_Store_and_Flats_Addition__Maybe_596_.jpg)
Smither Store
Image Source: 1884, The Atlas of the City of Buffalo, New York, (9)
Address: 596 Niagara St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1883
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: Robert Smither, druggist
Cost: $7,000
Misc. Notes: Address may be 590-592
References: SE7 (Feb 30, 83) 254 / AP30
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where the Smither store is located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Niagara_588-592_Stores_and_Flats_Addition.jpg)
Smither Store and Flats Addition
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (58)
Address: 588-92 Niagara St & Jersey St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1889
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: R.K. Smither
Cost: Unknown
Misc. Notes: brick & stone. Original 1889 and addition 1890
References: AE 3 (Nov. 1889) AE 4 (March 1890)
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where Webster house is located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Prospect_430_Webster_House.jpg)
Webster House
Image Source: 1899, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (47)
Address: 430 Prospect Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1885
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: E. Webster & Son
Cost: $18,000
Misc. Notes: N/A
References: AA&BN 17(Feb 28, 85) 107
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where the Bennett Stable is located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Tracy_64-78_Bennett_Stable_1889.jpg)
Bennett Stable
Image Source: 1925, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (31), 1889, Insurance Maps of Buffalo, New York, Vol. 1, (28L)
Address: 64-78 Tracy St., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1886
Current Building Status: Remaining
Client: David S. Bennett
Cost: $4,000
Misc. Notes: frame
References: IA&BN 7(April 86) 48
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where the Boehme house was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Fargo_41_Boehme_House.jpg)
Boehme House
Image Source: 1915, The New Century Atlas of Greater Buffalo, Vol. 2, (29R)
Address: 41 Fargo Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1889
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: Charles J. Boehme
Cost: $8,000
Misc. Notes: 2.5 story
References: AE 3 (Nov. 1889)
![Drawing depicting the outlines of buildings in the neighborhood where Nisell house was located.](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/354563/images/Porter_329_Nisell_House.jpg)
Nisell House
Image Source: 1915, The New Century Atlas of Greater Buffalo, Vol. 2, (29R)
Address: 329 Porter Ave., Buffalo, New York
Year Completed: 1889
Current Building Status: Demolished
Client: Miss Nisell
Cost: $3,500
Misc. Notes: alterations/demolished
References: AE 3 (Nov. 1889)