ENG 401: Shakespeare and the Drama of Knowledge: Catalogs,Citation Help and Delivery+
UB Catalog, Citation Help, and Delivery+
- UB Libraries Catalog This link opens in a new windowA listing of books, journal titles, and other materials held by the UB Libraries.PUBLIC
- Delivery+All journal articles and book chapters delivered electronically. Physical items retrieved from any library and made available for pick-up at the UB libraries. This is a free service for students, faculty & staff.
- Storage/Annex FacilityMaterials in the Annex may be requested through your Delivery+ account or viewed in the Reading Room at the Annex.
- EndNoteEndNote helps you organize bibliographic references to journal articles, book chapters, Web sites and other information sources.
- WorldCat Discovery This link opens in a new windowInformation about books and many other types of materials held by libraries around the world. More InfoUB ONLY
Instructor Contact
For questions regarding class assignments, contact:
Professor Carla Mazzio
Associate Professor of English
University at Buffalo
513 Clemens Hall
Email: cjmazzio@buffalo.edu