Last Updated: Dec 18, 2023 10:05 AM
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INSPEC (Information Services for Physics, Electronics, and Computing), produced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) offers over 15 million bibliographic citations. External links to full-text are provided for some citations. Subject areas covered include:
- astronomy
- electronics
- ergonomics
- communications
- computers & computing
- computer science
- control engineering
- electrical engineering
- information technology
- physics
This database is on the Engineering Village platform that permits simultaneous (one-pass) searching of all databases on the platform. We highly recommend that Compendex Plus (Engineering Index) and NTIS databases be search together with INSPEC.
Leads to bibliographic citations to journals, conference proceedings, reports, dissertations, and books. INSPEC is the electronic version of Computer and Control Abstracts, Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, and Physics Abstracts. It covers approximately 2000 conference proceedings, and over 3500 journals from hundreds of publishers including nearly all IEEE material.
In-depth professional indexing is provided for each article including many controlled terms (subject headings) from a carefully maintained, searchable thesaurus and freely-assigned keywords. One can also search on specialized fields, such as chemicals, numeric data, treatments, INSPEC Classification, ISSN, and ISBN.
Additional information is available at the INSPEC support web site, including a quick reference guide and training videos.
Dates Covered
1969 to the present. Updated weekly.
Print Counterpart
Computer and control abstracts
1969-1995: In Library Annex QA76 .C548
Electrical and electronics abstracts
1903-1980: Lockwood Periodicals TK145 .E37
1981-1995: In Library Annex
Physics abstracts
1909-1968: Lockwood Periodicals QC1 .P46
1969-1995: In Library Annex
Science abstracts
1898-1902: Lockwood Periodicals QC1 .P46
Related Databases
- Compendex (Engineering Index) This link opens in a new window
- Web of Science Core Collection This link opens in a new window
- IEEE Xplore This link opens in a new window
- MathSciNet This link opens in a new window
- SPIE Digital Library This link opens in a new window
Engineering Librarian
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260