Engineering Village
Last Updated: Dec 15, 2023 10:32 AM
Connect to Database
- Engineering Village This link opens in a new windowThe combined Compendex, Inspec, and GeoRef databases.More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
Remote access to this resource requires a UBITName and password.
The Engineering Village platform has five engineering databases loaded on it, namely Compendex, INSPEC, and GeoRef, allowing you to search on the broadest possible range of topics in engineering and technology from a variety of information sources, including journal articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters.
- Compendex covers journal articles, conference papers, and non-governmental reports in all areas of engineering.
- INSPEC covers about the same number of publications but is more specialized for, and therefore provides deeper coverage in, electrical engineering, applied physics, and computer and control technologies.
- GeoRef covers geology, geography, earth sciences, environmental sciences, geotechnical engineering, water science, and topics in energy.
NOTE: The Knovel database, which provides full-text access to an online collection of over a thousand science and engineering reference books, used to be another database searched through Engineering Village as well. However, this functionality has changed and you must go directly to the Knovel platform to search these e-books. A button exists with the Engineering Village search results (bottom of left hand Refine column) to conduct a separate search within Knovel.
Quick Search
Refer to the video below for a quick, 2 minute tutorial on utilizing the Quick Search.
Numerical Data Searching
Another brief tutorial video is included below on searching for numerical data in Engineering Village. A full listing of available tutorial videos.
Dates Covered
Coverage varies by database: Compendex is 1884-present, INSPEC is 1969-present, and GeoRef is 1785-present. The databases are updated weekly.
Related Databases
- Compendex (Engineering Index) This link opens in a new window
- INSPEC This link opens in a new window
- GeoRef This link opens in a new window
- Knovel E-Books: Science and Engineering This link opens in a new windowFull-text of a thousand science and engineering handbooks with a focus on books containing numeric data. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
Engineering Librarian

University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260