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Art History: Image Search and Image Citations

Last Updated: Jul 9, 2024 3:55 PM

Finding Images

Citing Images

All images should be cited, no matter the size or if it is in the public domain.

Basic information needed when citing an image:
Footnote: 1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, Image Title, Year, medium, size, Museum or place image is, Location, URL.
Bibliography: Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Image Title. Year. Medium. size. Museum or place image is, Location, URL.

Published photograph:
Footnote: 1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, Photograph Title, Year Photo was Taken (if provided), in Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page or plate #.
Bibliography: Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Photograph Title. Year Photo was Taken (if provided). In Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year, page or plate #.

Chicago Style Guide Quick Reference:

Chicago Author-Date: 

Image from database:

Footnote #. Frida Kahlo. Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair, 1940, Oil on canvas, 15 3/4 x 11", ARTstor,  accessed September 26, 2017,

Bib: Kahlo, Frida. “Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair.” 1940. Oil on canvas. 15 3/4 x 11". ARTstor, accessed September 26, 2017,

Image from a website:

Fig. 1. Mark Rothko, Orange and Yellow, 1956, Oil on canvas, 91 x 71 inches, Albright-Knox Art Museum, accessed September 27, 2017,

Bib: Rothko, Mark, Orange and Yellow. 1956. Oil on canvas. 91 x 71 inches. Albright-Knox Art Museum, accessed September 27, 2017,

Scanned image from a book:

Footnote #. Nancy Alice Neel, and the Rubber Plant, 1975, Oil on canvas, 203.2 x 91.4 cm, The Estate of Alice Neel. From: Ann Temkin et al. Alice Neel. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2000. Plate 64.

Bib: Alice Neel, Nancy and the Rubber Plant. 1975. Oil on canvas, 203.2 x 91.4 cm. The Estate of Alice Neel. From: Ann Temkin et al. Alice Neel. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2000. Plate 64.

How to cite images using MLA


Associate Librarian for the Humanities

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Michael Kicey
424 Lockwood