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Alternative Access to Articles: LibKey Nomad

This guide provides information about various types of browser plug-ins that may be helpful when accessing scholarly publications.
Last Updated: Apr 5, 2024 2:30 PM

LibKey Nomad logo

LibKey Nomad is a web browser extension that provides single click access to the Libraries' content from PubMed, publisher websites, and Wikipedia. LibKey Nomad can be used from on or off campus. Available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave

Follow these steps to set up and use LibKey Nomad.

  • Get the LibKey Nomad extension from your browser's app store
  • Follow the on-screen instructions
  • Select University at Buffalo - SUNY as your institution

LibKey Nomad Installation

LibKey Nomad is available for a variety of browsers including: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave

Get the LibKey Nomad web browser extension from your browser's app store.

After the plugin installs, it will prompt you to select your institution.  Choose "University at Buffalo - SUNY" from the dropdown.
LibKey Nomad Install Screen Shot

LibKey Nomad: How to Use

Using LibKey Nomad

Follow these steps to use the LibKey Nomad plugin for finding articles:

  1. Search for journal articles as you normally would using Google Scholar or library databases.
  2. As you browse pages containing articles, LibKey Nomad will add a button to the lower-left corner of your screen linking directly to PDF files.
    Screenshot of article available in ScienceDirect database with access available through UB. LibKey Nomad pop up button appears in bottom left corner with option to "Download PDF."

  3. In cases where a PDF is not available, you may see another pop-up in the bottom left-hand corner such as the screenshot pictured below. If you see this button, clicking it will take you to the item record page on the UB Libraries website. From there you can request it for free via our interlibrary loan service called Delivery+.
    Screenshot of article available in ScienceDirect database with access available through UB. LibKey Nomad pop up button appears in bottom left corner with the words "Access Options." Clicking this will take you to the UB Libraries website where you can request it via our interlibrary loan service for free called Delivery+.


You may also see LibKey Nomad links appear in other websites, like Wikipedia. Below is an example of seeing LibKey Nomad links in the References section of a Wikipedia article.

Screenshot of References section from a Wikipedia article. The screenshot also includes an "Access Options" link from LibKey Nomad under each article cited in the references section.


IMPORTANT NOTE: It might be beneficial to use more than one browser plug-in to search for full-text article access since they have different coverage. However, if you do use more than one, please be aware of the following potential issue:

  • If using LibKey Nomad and EndNote Click plug-ins, they appear in the same place on the screen, so they may overlap.
    • FIX: The EndNote Click pop-up offers an "X" to close the pop-up if you prefer to see the LibKey Nomad result.

If you have questions about LibKey Nomad or any other library tools, contact the library at or by contacting your subject librarian directly.

Additional Nomad Features

Nomad offers additional features beyond looking for scholarly articles. 

When visiting certain websites, like The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal sites, you may notice a pop-up on the screen directing you that access is available to those affiliated with UB (faculty, staff, and students). See screenshots below for examples. 

Screenshot of the New York Times website with language Nomad language on access for UB users. Pop up language states: "Authorized UB Users have access to Academic Pass account setup and activation required."


Screenshot of The Wall Street Journal website with language Nomad language on access for UB users. Pop up language states: "Authorized UB Users have access to Account registration required."

LibKey Nomad Buttons Explained!

Download PDF button from LibKey Nomad

Download the PDF Full Text in one click.


LibKey Nomad button for "Access Options"

The article may not be immediately available but can be requested through our free Delivery+ service. Click this, login with UBIT credentials if prompted, then scroll to the "Request" section to view request options.

PMID & DOI Lookup


Still hitting a paywall for article access? Don't pay!

If the article you need is not part of a UB subscription and is not available openly, use UB Libraries Delivery+ service to get the article. It's completely free for UB faculty, staff, and students! 

Simply log in with your UBIT name and password, then fill out a brief form for the item you need. Articles are delivered to you electronically!


Still running into trouble? Contact your subject librarian for additional help. We are here to help!


Questions about the content of this Guide? Contact the Guide owner Erin Rowley at