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Alternative Access to Articles:

This guide provides information about various types of browser plug-ins that may be helpful when accessing scholarly publications.
Last Updated: Sep 17, 2024 3:23 PM Logo allows for full-text retrieval of items via the UB Libraries by inputting either the digital object identifier (DOI) or PubMed Identifier (PMID) into the search box. These identifiers are unique to individual articles. If the full text of the item is available, a link to the article and/or PDF will be provided; if not, a link for "Library Access Options" will bring you back to the library website to request the item via Delivery+. For more information on visit their Technical FAQs webpage Finding Full Text

The first time you visit if you have never used a LibKey product before, you will see a simple look-up page where you are invited to find an article by DOI or PMID.  This page is only shown if an affiliation has not yet been set.
LibKey IO Homepage screen shot

Simply type in a DOI or PMID that you wish to view.  Here is an example DOI to try: 

Since you have not yet affiliated, LibKey will ask you to choose your affiliation or to declare yourself an unaffiliated user:
LibKey IO DOI search result screen shot


Use the dropdown checkbox and then confirm your choice to reveal the linking options.  At this point the results screen should look like this: 
LibKeyIO search results screen shot with UB affiliation selected


If you have used before *or* with the same browser have used any other LibKey service (LibKey Discovery, LibKey Link, or LibKey Nomad) you will instead be greeted by a welcome page with your library branding:

LibKeyIO Homepage screen shot with UB affiliation


Still hitting a paywall for article access? Don't pay!

If the article you need is not part of a UB subscription and is not available openly, use UB Libraries Delivery+ service to get the article. It's completely free for UB faculty, staff, and students! 

Simply log in with your UBIT name and password, then fill out a brief form for the item you need. Articles are delivered to you electronically!


Still running into trouble? Contact your subject librarian for additional help. We are here to help!


Questions about the content of this Guide? Contact the Guide owner Erin Rowley at