Bioinformatics: Guides
Copyright Guides:
- Copyright – Listing of government websites on copyright prepared by Karlen Chase, UB Libraries digital scholarship specialist.
- Copyright for Researchers and Scholars - Created by Amy Lyons, nursing liaison
Drug Information Resources – Prepared by UB Libraries Pharmacy liaison, Deborah Chiarella. Provides information on drug monographs, drug nomenclature, pill images, interactions/adverse effects, and off label use.
Medical Images: Selected Resources – Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology Liaison at UB Libraries. Provides access to images, videos, audio, and other multimedia formats to biological and medically oriented images including how to retrieve images from the various subscription databases at UB (Medline, Science Direct, Clinical Key, etc.), image search engines, images related to specific medical disciplines (dermatology, cardiology, histology, neuroscience, etc.), biology (anatomy, embryology), general topics such as cancer and public health, and more.
Patents – Annotated guide to the major patent databases, national/international patent offices, commercial patent services, and sections on copyright and intellectual property. Collated by Erin Rowley, UB Libraries’ engineering librarian.
Spectra & Spectral Data – An extensive and generously annotated guide for locating all types of spectra in all types of formats (print, subscription databases, Internet public domain) prepared by Fred Stoss, chemistry and physics librarian at UB. The subsections detailing mass spectra, NMR, and X-ray crystallography spectra will be of particular interest to those performing research in the molecular biology sciences and/or bioinformatically.
Toxicology In-depth Research Guide – Guide to extensive review of a topic related to toxicology or when a detailed analysis of a the toxicology of a particular substance is needed. Created and maintained by Fred Stoss, chemistry and physics librarian at UB.

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