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European Union: Catalogs and Indexes

Last Updated: Jan 8, 2024 4:00 PM

Catalogs and Indexes

Documents (Office for Official Publications of the European Communities)
Library Annex Empire Shared Non--Circulating Collection   Z 7165 E8 C66 (1983-2000 with gaps)
Contains a classified and an alphabetical index of subject terms. The 1983, 1984, and 1987 volumes also include a Numerical Index to locate COM Document microfiche numbers.

General Catalogue of Publications (Title varies) (Office for Official Publications of the EC)
Library Annex Empire Shared Non--Circulating Collection  Z 7165.E8 P799 (1982-2001 with gaps)
Arranged in broad subject categories, this index includes a subject, title and series index to both monographic and serial publications.

Archive of European Integration (University of Pittsburgh. University Library System)
An online repository of free, full-text EU-related research materials on European integration  and unification.

ECLAS, the Commission Libraries’ Union Catalogue
The EU Central Library catalog provides citations to European Union documentation.

EU Bookshop (Publications Office of the European Union)
Indexes and provides free access to items published by the European Union and its organizations since 1952.

Official Documents from EU Institutions, Agencies and Other Bodies (European Commission)
Links to general publications, legislation and treaties, statistics and opinion polls, tools and manuals, documentation centers, and archival materials.

Featured Resources

CORDIS,  the European Commission's primary public repository and portal.  Disseminates information on all EU-funded research projects.


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Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
422 Lockwood Library, North Campus
(716) 645-9178