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European Union: Law and Legal Information

Last Updated: Jan 8, 2024 4:00 PM

Law and Legislation

ABC of European Union Law (Publications Office of the European Union)
"offers insight into how the European Union is built, its broad principles and the legal order underpinning it, looking at this in relation to the national laws of the Member States. This book is intended for people with no specialist legal knowledge who wish to understand the implications of European law for their daily lives."

Court of Justice of the European Union
The Court ascertains that the treaties establishing the European Union and related legislation are interpreted correctly. Disclaimer: this data is for information purposes only. Consult the following for authentic texts.

  • Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance
    Law Library Non-Circulating: KJE924.5 .R47 (1954+ with gaps)
  • Reports of European Community Staff Cases
    Lockwood KJE924.5 .E97 (1994+)

Official Journal of the European Communities ( OJ ) (Publications Office of the European Union)
The authoritative source for EC legislation and agreements with other countries. The Official Journal is part of the EUR-Lex system.

Directory of Community Legislation in Force (Title varies) (Office for Official Publications of the European Communities)
Lockwood JN 30.R34 (1984-2002 with gaps)
Law Reference: KJE920.5 .D57 (1984-2004 with gaps)
Provides subject and numeric access to legislation.  Includes an analytical register, and chronological and alphabetical indexes.

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Carolyn Klotzbach-Russell
422 Lockwood Library, North Campus
(716) 645-9178