Children's and Young Adult Literature: Selected Sources: Books
The majority of UB Libraries' books selected for children and young adults are located in the LOCKWOOD Juvenile Collection on the third floor of Lockwood Memorial Library. Award-winning books are added to the collection regularly and are available for browsing by all library users, and for borrowing by UB students, faculty and staff. Search UB Libraries Catalog by author or title to locate specific books or try keyword searches to identify titles. Sample searches:
Title: goodnight moon
Author: hodgson frances burnett
Subject: picture books
Keyword: and juvenile, Examples:
biography and juvenile
anne frank and juvenile
Keyword: picture books and juvenile
Keyword: juvenile fiction
The Goldsman Collection of Literature for Boys - Special Collections, University Libraries
A gift to Special Collections from Beverly Goldsman, this collection contains approximately 550 monographic and serial publications issued in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Included in the collection are the Frank Merriwell, Nick Carter, Rover Boys and Ted Strong adventure stories; the Horatio Alger, Jr., series; and long runs of many adventure story publications issues in serial format. Search UB Libraries Catalog by author using "Goldsman Collection of Literature for Boys" to see the complete list of titles in the collection. Materials are available in the University Libraries Special Collections department for in-house use. See the University Archives website for hours and other information.
Books about Children's and Young Adult Literature
- UB Libraries Catalog This link opens in a new windowA listing of books, journal titles, and other materials held by the UB Libraries.PUBLIC
- BookListProvides a guide to current print and nonprint materials worthy of consideration for purchase by small and medium-sized public libraries and school library media centers.