COM 671: Meta-Analysis: General Resources
General Resources
Use these resources for preliminary searching as well as interdisciplinary topics.
Journal Articles
- OneSearch This link opens in a new windowOneSearch is your ultimate companion for navigating the vast universe of information within the library's collections, including UB, SUNY, and CUNY materials. OneSearch consolidates your research searching needs into a single, user-friendly interface; whether you seek scholarly articles, literary works, authoritative databases, or other academic resources, OneSearch is your one-stop destination. More InfoUB ONLY
- Academic OneFile (Gale) This link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new windowComprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database. More InfoFull-Text UB ONLY
- MasterFILE Premier This link opens in a new windowAll subject areas. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new windowComprehensive North American and significant international coverage of graduate works, often providing full-text documents from 1997 on. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY
- WorldCat Discovery This link opens in a new windowInformation about books and many other types of materials held by libraries around the world. More InfoUB ONLY
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowOne-pass searching of Web of Science citation indexes, BIOSIS Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, MEDLINE and more. More InfoPartial Full-Text UB ONLY