COM 671: Meta-Analysis: Library Information
OneSearch is your ultimate companion for navigating the vast universe of information within the library's collections, including UB, SUNY, and CUNY materials. OneSearch consolidates your research searching needs into a single, user-friendly interface; whether you seek scholarly articles, literary works, authoritative databases, or other academic resources, OneSearch is your one-stop destination.
Endnote Software
The University at Buffalo Libraries are providing EndNote™ citation management software to UB's academic community. The UB site license for EndNote™ is funded by the University at Buffalo Libraries, with partial support from the Technology Fee.
Research Guides by Subject
For more specific resources, organized by subject matter, please use our Research Guides, which are developed by UB subject librarians. These websites provide information on print and online research resources.
Can't Find the Full-Text?
Discovered a book, article, or other items the library doesn't own? We may be able to get a copy via Delivery+ (sometimes called Inter-Library Loan).