Constitutional Law: Specialized Resources
Constitution of the United States of America KF 4525 1985 (Ref); Online: Reproduction of original document:; Text with amendments:
CQ's Guide to the United States Constitution, 2nd ed. KF 4528.5 M567 1994 (Lockwood)
History, Text, Index, & Glossary
Constitutions of the United States, National and States, 2nd ed. KF 4530 C6
The Constitution of the United States of America: analysis and interpretation KF 4527 J39 2004 (Ref Desk)
Includes annotations of cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court; regularly supplemented at (scroll down on page)
United States Code Annotated (USCA), Constitution US 003 U6 (Fed Core); Campus Research; Westlaw*
Annotated descriptions of cases.
United States Code Service (USCS), Constitution US 003 U67 (Fed Core); Lexis*
*Westlaw/Lexis access restricted to law students only
A Comprehensive Bibliography of American Constitutional and Legal History 1896-1979 KF 4541 H34 1984 (Ref)
The Constitution of the United States: A Guide and Bibliography KF 4546 A1 R4 1987 (Ref)
The Dynamic Constitution: A Historical Bibliography KF 4541 D95 1986 (Ref)
Jurisprudence of United States Constitutional Interpretation: An Annotated Bibliography, 2nd ed. KF 4546 A1 D69 2010 (Ref)
Revolutionary America, 1763-1789: A Bibliography E 208 G46 1984 (Ref)
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation (Library of Congress - American Memory Collection) Bibliography of print sources covering: General Reference; Continental Congress & Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789; 1789-1800; 1801-60; 1861-1875; and Younger Readers.
Researching Constitutional Law on the Internet Maintained by the University of Chicago School of Law, a compilation of resources, including links to pertinent U.S. and international documents and agencies.
Chemerinsky, Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies KF 4550 C427 1997
Cooley, General Principles of Constitutional Law in the United States of AmericaKF 4550 Z9 C6 2000
Currie, The Constitution of the United States: A Primer for the People, 2d ed. KF 4550 Z9 C88 2000
Emanuel, Crunchtime: Constitutional Law, 8th ed. KF 4550 Z9 E47 2009(Study Aids)
Fallon, The Dynamic Constitution: An Introduction to American Constitutional LawKF 4550 F35 2004
Lewis & Norman, Civil Rights Law & Practice, 2d ed. KF 4749 L495 2004 (Reserve)
Nowak & Rotunda, Constitutional Law, 7th ed. KF 4550 N6 2004 (Reserve)
Nowak & Rotunda, Principles of Constitutional Law, 3d ed. KF 4550 Z9 N69 2007 (Study Aids)
Murphy, American Constitutional Interpretation, 4th ed. KF 4549 M87 2008
Sheldon, Essentials of the American Constitution: the Supreme Court and Fundamental LawKF 4550 S53 2002
Van Geel, Understanding Supreme Court Opinions, 5th ed. KF 8742 V36 2007
- Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments 3rd ed. KF 4550 V55 2001
5th ed. (2010) as an e-book at - The Constitutional Law Dictionary KF 4747.5 C52 1985 (Ref)
- Constitutional Rights Sourcebook KF 4550 Z9 R463 1999 (Ref Desk)
- Desk-Top Guide to the Constitution: Chronology, Facts and Documents KF 4502 D47 1987 (Ref)
- Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights & Liberties KF 4748 E53 2006 (Ref)
- Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, 2d ed. KF 4548 E53 2000 (Ref)
- Encyclopedia of the First Amendment KF 4770 E53 2009 (Ref)
- Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments & Amending Issues 1789-2002, 3rd ed. KF 4557 V555 2010 (Ref)
- Exhaustive Concordance to the United States Constitution KF 4528.5 E97 1994 (Ref Desk)
- The Federalist Concordance KF 4515 E53 1988 (Ref)
- The Founders' Constitution KF 4502 F68 1987 (Lockwood)
- Also as an e-book at
- The Language of The Constitution: A Sourcebook and Guide to the Ideas, Terms and Vocabulary Used by the Framers of the United States Constitution KF 4548.5 G74 1991 (Ref)
- Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions KF 4548 O97 1999 (Ref Desk)
- Bell, Constitutional Conflicts KF 4549 B44 1997
- Fisher, American Constitutional Law, 5th ed. KF 4549 F57 2003 (Lockwood)
- Garvey, Modern Constitutional Theory: a Reader, 5th ed. KF 4549 M63 2004
- Gunther & Sullivan, Constitutional Law, 16th ed. KF 4549 G85 2007 (Lockwood)
- Gunther, Individual Rights in Constitutional Law, 5th ed. KF 4748 G8 1992
- Massey, American Constitutional Law: Powers and Liberties KF 4549 M318 2001
- Rotunda, Modern Constitutional Law: Cases and Notes, 7th ed. KF 4549 R686 2003
- Stone, Constitutional Law, 5th ed. KF 4549 C647 2005 (Lockwood)
- Van Geel, Understanding Supreme Court Opinions, 5th ed. KF 8742 V36 2007
Barron & Dienes, First Amendment Law in a Nutshell, 4th ed. KF 4770 B37 2008 (Study Aids)
Constitutional Law in a Nutshell, 7th ed. KF 4550 Z9 B35 2009 (Study Aids)
The State and Religion in a Nutshell, 2nd ed. KF 4865 Z9 B47 2004 (Reserve)
Engdahl, Constitutional Federalism in a Nutshell, 2nd ed. KF 4600 Z9 E5 1987 (Study Aids)
Israel, Criminal Procedure, Constitutional Limitations in a Nutshell, 7th ed. KF 9619.3 I8 2006 (Study Aids)
Thomas, Sex Discrimination in a Nutshell, 2nd ed. KF 4758 Z9 T48 1991 (Study Aids)
Viera, Constitutional Civil Rights in a Nutshell, 3rd ed. KF 4750 V5 1998 (Study Aids)
Baker & Williams, Constitutional Analysis in a Nutshell, 2nd ed. KF 4550 Z9 W53 2003 (Study Aids)
Antieau, Modern Constitutional Law, 2nd ed. KF 4550 A75 1997
Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance & Procedure, 4th ed. KF 4550 R63 2007
Rubenfield, Revolution by Judiciary: The Structure of American Constitutional Law KF 4550 R83 2005
Tribe, American Constitutional Law, 3rd ed. KF 4550 T785 2000 (Reserve)
Tribe, American Constitutional Law, 2d ed. KF 4550 T785 1988 (Reserve)
Continental Congress
- Congressional Documents and Debates at:
- Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789 JK 1033 L47 1976
Also at: - Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 J 10 A5 (Lockwood)
Also at: - Index: Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 KF 35 C64
- Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 US AE 1.119: 247 (Lockwood Documents); also MicFilm CD 3031 U64 No. 247 (Silverman Multimedia)
- Index: The Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 KF4505 .B88 1978 (Fed Core)
Constitutional Convention of 1787
- The Complete Anti-Federalist KF 4515 C65 1981
- The Federalist KF 4515 F4 1966
- Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, Reported by James Madison, JK 141 1966
Also at: - The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 KF 4510 U547 1966
Also at: Farrand's Records - Secret proceedings and debates of the convention assembled at Philadelphia in the year 1787, for the purpose of forming the Constitution of the United States of America KF 4510 U55 1909
- The Documentary History of the Ratification of the ConstitutionKF 4502 D63 (V. 1-10, 13-23 General Collection; V. 2-3, 8-10 Koren AV)
- Debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal Constitution, 2d ed. ("Elliott's Debates") KF 4502 E2 1901
Also at:
General Compilations
- Documentary History of the Constitution of the United States of America, 1786-1870 KF 4541 D63 1894
- Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States JK 11 1927 (Also Ref)
- Sources and Documents of the United States Constitutions: 2d Series KF 4530 S68 1982
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