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Digitization: Metadata

Metadata Schema

Dublin Core Element Required? Notes Example
File Name Yes Full file name with extension. File name must conform to file naming standards. PA_11064_2.tif
Creator Optional The name(s) of the person, corporate body, or family responsible for making the resource. Express in natural language. Optional multiple entries. Levere, Doug


Yes The name by which the object is known, including date of creation. If no title is available, create one. Be descriptive but concise. Express dates in natural language. Crofts Hall, June 19, 1986
Physical Dimensions Optional The dimensions of the source material expressed in centimeters (Height x Length) OR duration if audiovisual expressed in HH:MM:SS. 2.4x3.5cm
Rights Required A statement of copyright for the resource. Select from the copyright statements below. Copyright 1986 University at Buffalo
Description Required Natural language, narrative description of source object. Include date of creation in natural language. Crofts Hall, black and white photograph, June 19, 1986
Contributor Required The name of the repository who holds the original material. Use Library of Congress authority. State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Source Required Title and identification number of the collection that the source material is from. Public Affairs Photograph Collection
Subject Required Name(s) or term(s) used as an access point. Use controlled vocabulary (LCSH, LCNAF, AAT, etc.). Separate entries with a semicolon. Crofts Hall
Language Optional The language used to convey the content of the desccribed resource. Express as a 2-letter language code taken from the ISO 639-1. en-US
Publisher Required The publisher of the digital resource. This field will always be "University at Buffalo Libraries." University at Buffalo Libraries
Date Digitized Optional Date of creation of the digital resource. Normalize date to: YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM; or YYYY. 2019-07-30
Digital File Format Required The media type. Terms must be taken from the IMT scheme. Most resources fall into the following formats: image/tiff; image/jpeg; application/pdf; application/mp4. image/tiff
Date of Original Required Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice of original source material. Normalize date to: YYYY-MM-DD. If the resource has no date, indicate "undated." 1986-06-19
Resource Type Required

The general type of the physical resource. Select from DCMI Type Vocabulary:

Interactive Resource

Resolution (dpi) Required The resolution of the digital image (number only). 2400

Once your metadata is complete and has been checked by your supervisor, add it to the master metadata spreadsheet on the Y Drive: Y:\ArchPhoto\Metadata and Instructions

Dublin Core Element Required? Description Example
Title Yes The entire title of the source material. If there is no given title, self-assign a title. Write in natural language. Use RDA when applicable. Hayes Hall clock tower, circa 1939
Description Optional Natural language, narrative description of source document. Hayes Hall clock tower with a couple standing on the sidewalk.
Subject Yes Content or subject matter of the resource. May contain multiple entries in a single field. Use a semicolon to separate multiple entries. Use controlled vocabulary from LCSH, MESH, or AAT. State University of New York at Buffalo -- Buildings ; School administration buildings ; Hayes Hall (Buffalo, N.Y.) -- Photographs
Date of Original Yes Creation date of the original item. Dates must be normalized to: YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM; or YYYY. If the resource has no date, indicate "undated."


Date Digitized Yes The date that the digital collection was first created in Omeka. Dates must be normalized to: YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM; or YYYY. 2016-10-28
Resource Type Yes Actual type of the physical material. One type must be taken from the DCMI Type Vocabulary. Others may be user supplied. Image; Still Image
Digital File Format Yes File format term taken from the IMT scheme. Most files will be JPEG or PDF. image/jpeg
File Name (Full FTP Link) Yes After uploading images to FTP server, add the full link to this field in the metadata spreadsheet. This link must be correct as it identifies and links image in Omeka to correct metadata. Add "" to the beginning of every file name.  
File Name (No Extension) Yes The file name without the file extension. UA_20K_04_09_003
Digital Collection Number and Name Yes The name and identifier number of the Digital Collection. University Archives Photograph Collection (LIB-UA046)
Publisher (Digital) Yes Entity responsible for making the resource available, i.e. name of the University department in which the documents are located, or in which the faculty member works. Use Library of Congress authority if available. State University of New York at Buffalo. University Archives
Language Yes The language of the resource. use the 2 letter language code taken from the ISO 639-1. en-US
Source Yes Name of the collection the item is from. Fenton Parke papers (MS 13)
Physical Dimenstions Yes Measurements of the source item written in centimeters as NNxNNcm (Height x Width [x Length]cm. 20.2x25.2cm
Creator Optional An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. May contain multiple entries in a single field. Use semicolon to separate multiple entries. Personal names must be inverted (Last, First Middle). Use authority record if it exists. University of Buffalo Audio-Visual Center
Contributor Yes An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource, a person, organization, or service. This field should be used as a supplement or alternative to Creator, when primary responsibility for the resource is unknown or irrelevant. State University of New York at Buffalo
Rights Yes A statement of who owns the copyright for this item and what limits apply to its use. Researchers must contact University Archives to obtain reproductions of images and to request permission to use any image. Persons who publish or use this material in any manner assume all responsibility for identifying copyright holders and meeting any requisites for use.
Scripto Status Yes Describes action of Scripto transcription plug-in and must be written exactly as: "To Transcribe" or "Not to Transcribe." (minus quotation marks). To Transcribe
Extent Optional Size or duration of the resource. Generally consists of both a numeric value and a caption that is needed to interpret the numeric value.  


Copyright Statements

University at Buffalo Libraries believe this work to be in the U.S. public domain. This work may not be in the public domain in other countries.

Note: Only use this statement for 100% bright-line public domain works. For more information, see Cornell's page on public domain works.

University at Buffalo Libraries believe this work to be an orphan work, a work that is presumably still protected by copyright but for which the rights owner cannot be identified or located. If you are the rights owner, please contact [insert University Libraries department]. Users of works found in University at Buffalo Libraries Digital Collections are responsible for identifying and contacting the copyright owner for permission to reuse. University at Buffalo Libraries do not manage rights for copyright-protected works and cannot assist with permissions.

Copyright [year] [insert official unit or department name], University at Buffalo.

Copyright [year] [full name]. Users of works found in University at Buffalo Libraries Digital Collections are responsible for identifying and contacting the copyright owner for permission to reuse. University at Buffalo Libraries do not manage rights for copyright-protected works and cannot assist with permissions.