ENG199 - Imagining Other Minds: MLA 8th Citations
Welcome to the MLA 8th Guidelines Page for your iLab course.
Please refer to the formulas below for formatting a proper citation. Take note that this is an abbreviated guide.
For more information, navigate to the Purdue Online Writing Lab.
If you have any questions, please contact the librarian associated with your iLab section.
More than One Author in a Citation
Two Authors (applies to both books and articles)
Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name.
ex) Smith, John, and Carly Morrison.
Three or more Authors (applies to both books and articles)
Last Name, First Name, et al.
You will put et al. to indicate after the first author's last name to indicate and others.
ex) Pearson, Joshua, et al.
MLA 8th In Text Citations
If a page number is provided, follow the formats below:
In-Text Citation
(Jones 378).
In-Text Citation, Two Authors
List the two author's last names.
(Jones and Miller 378).
In-Text Citation, Three or More Authors
You will put et al. to indicate after the first author's last name to indicate and others.
(Jones et al. 378).
When no page number is provided, please follow the formats below:
In-Text Citation, No Page Number Provided
In-Text Citation, Two Authors, No Page Number Provided
List the two author's last names.
(Jones and Miller).
In-Text Citation, Three or More Authors, No Page Number Provided
You will put et al. to indicate after the first author's last name to indicate and others.
(Jones et al.).
If no author is provided, please follow the format below:
In-Text Citation, No Author. ("Use Title Instead").
If the source is titled "Clay Pot Snowman Tutorial", your in-text citation will be (“Clay Pot Snowman Tutorial”).
If the title is very long, shorten it by using only the first word. For example, the title “Allergies: Basic Info You Need to Know.” would be (“Allergies”).
Month Abbreviations
- Jan.
- Feb.
- Mar.
- Apr.
- May
- June
- July
- Aug.
- Sept.
- Oct.
- Nov.
- Dec.
For more information...
Please visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab if you have any other questions regarding MLA 8th citation.
Visit the Purdue OWL Site for Chicago Style if you wish to use that.
The Buffalo History Museum. The Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society, 2018,
A Page on a Website with an Author:
Fong, Jonathan. "Clay Pot Snowman Tutorial." eHow, 7 Nov. 2017,
A Page on a Website without an Author:
"Allergies: Basic Info You Need to Know." WebMD, 12 Aug. 2016,
www.webmd.com/allergies/allergy basics.
a News or Magazine Article from a Database
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Newspaper, Version (if applicable), Numbers (if applicable), Publication date, Page numbers (if available). Title of the Database, URL.
Dewey, Caitlin. "London Plans to Ban Fast-Food Outlets Near Schools." Washington Post,
1 Dec. 2017. Infotrac Newsstand,
an eBook from the Library
Scholarly Journal Article Citations
Journal Article from a Database with DOI available:
Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal, vol., no., date, page numbers. Database Name, DOI.
Landes, Thomas. "Fresh Water Fisheries in the Great Lakes." Great Lakes Studies,
vol. 21, no. 1, 3 Mar. 2010, pp. 90-105. Academic Search Complete,
Journal Article from a Database with no DOI available:
Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal, vol., no., date, page numbers. Database Name, URL.
Landes, Thomas. "Fresh Water Fisheries in the Great Lakes." Great Lakes Studies,
vol. 21, no. 1, 3 Mar. 2010, pp. 90-105. Academic Search Complete,