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Environmental Law Research Guide: Journal Articles

Periodicals Online

Periodicals: Journals, Law Reviews, & Newsletters

Practitioners use many different resources for legal research, including periodicals.  The Law Library has a wealth of law reviews, journals, and newsletters that can be accessed through various databases, such as HeinOnline, Westlaw, and Lexis.

You may also search many articles available at University of Buffalo through UB's "Everything" Search on the Law Library homepage.  Use 'Advanced Search'  to narrow your search by title, subject, or author. Filter your results--for "articles."

Using HeinOnline

HeinOnline is a great resource for full-text searching of law reviews and journals, as well as bar journals..  

Click on the 'Law Journal Library,' and use the advanced search option to search through all the articles for your key term or phrase.  You can narrow this search by subject and date, or restrict the search to a particular journal title. Filter your results.

Sample Environmental Law Periodicals

Using Legal Periodical Indexes

Some legal researchers like using legal periodicals indexes.  These indexes organize the abstracts of recent publications, and can be helpful in searching through journals and articles related to a particular topic.  Fortunately, these indexes have been converted to a friendly, web-based platform.  In the web-based platform, some of the articles are linked to the full-text, if UB owns the item in a digital format.

You can search through these indexes to browse new articles and book reviews in the legal field:

LegalTracUB Only
1980+. Citations with some abstracts or full-text articles to all major academic law reviews, law journals, specialty law and bar association journals and legal newspapers. Includes major academic law reviews, bar association journals, specialty journals and seven legal newspapers

Legal Journals Index (Westlaw Edge)
1986+. Indexes articles from legal journals published in the United Kingdom and Europe as well as journals covering topics pertaining to the laws of the European Community and its Member States.

Additional legal periodical indexes and full text resources can be located here: Legal Databases by Subject: Journals & Indexes