Maps and Mapping Resources from Government Agencies: New York State
New York State
New York State
- New York State GIS Clearinghouse. Direct access to data, maps, and GIS materials. Includes: 1:24,000 Digital Raster Quadrangles download site, allowing downloads of image files, metadata, and DRQs. Pick from map of the state or from quad index. Has links to 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 scale maps. Also includes:
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Mapping Gateway. All forms of DEC maps. Includes print, online, GIS, other. Selections include:
- Prepared maps on: Fishing, Recreation, Wildlife, Plants, State Forests and Lands, Waterbodies and Wetlands.
- Geodata Inventory
- Freshwater Wetlands Mapping - Is no longer available (2025-02-04).
- Wildlife Management Areas
- New York State Breeding Bird Atlas (NY DEC). Links to topo maps for census blocks; sort by species, counter ID, behavior, other. Useful because you can access topo maps for any location in state. ChooseBreeding Bird Atlas Data and Maps.
- Mineral Resources On-line Maps (Division of Mineral Resources). Geographic Information on New York's Wells and Mines. The Environmental Navigator is a database that includes more than 33,000 wells and 2,500 surface mines. Use standard GIS interface to search for specific locations, or zoom in to areas. Layers include a variety of variables.
- Mining in New York State.
- Mapping Gateway. All forms of DEC maps. Includes print, online, GIS, other. Selections include:
- New York State Department of Transportation. Scenic byways interactive maps.
- New York State Interactive Mapping Gateway. Digital orthophotomaps of New York State.
- New York State and Local Government websites. Includes State level, as well as, Cities, Towns, and Villages, and other government agencies.