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Getting Started with Health Sciences Resources: Finding Full Text

Review this guide to become familiar with the resources and services available through the Health Sciences at Abbott Library
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2025 10:49 AM

About this guide

There are many ways for UB affiliates to get the articles they need. Some of the methods are listed below. Please note that although you can access most of what you need immediately, there will be times that you will need to place requests using our free service called Delivery+. Also note that if you are off campus, you will be prompted to log in with your UB credentials.

EndNote users can find information about EndNote's Find Full Text feature on our EndNote Basics guide.

Anyone interested in keeping up with the most current articles from their favorite journals should refer to our BrowZine page. You can create a bookshelf with the titles you want to follow, but they have to be journals that the UB Libraries subscribe to.

Accessing Full Text through a UB Libraries Database


  1. Navigate to a UB Libraries database.
  2. You will be prompted to log in with your UB credentials if you are off campus.
  3. Run a search.
  4. Depending on where you search, there may be links to the HTML or PDF versions of the article. In other cases, you may see buttons or links that read UB Check for Full Text or Search UB Libraries for availability. You may have to click on the article title to see these links or buttons.
  5. If the article you want is not immediately accessible, you can request it through our free request service, Delivery+.

Requesting an Article using Delivery+: OneSearch


  1. Run a search using UB Libraries OneSearch.
  2. Click on the title of the result you are interested in.
  3. Look for full text links or options to view the item online. If you do not see these things, go to the How to get it section of the page.
  4. Log in with your UBIT name and password
  5. Click the Delivery+ Article Request link.
  6. An auto-populated request form will open. Check the details.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Submit Request.
  8. You will be emailed when your request has been filled.

Requesting an Article using Delivery+: Manual Request


  1. Go to the Delivery+ page.
  2. Log in with your UB credentials.
  3. On your My Account page, hover over Delivery+ Requests in the upper left.
  4. Click Submit Request.
  5. Choose the kind of request you would like to submit.
  6. Input the required fields. For journal article requests, it is quicker to use a DOI. Enter the DOI and click Resolve DOI.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Submit Request.
  8. You will be emailed when your request has been filled.

Accessing Full Text using a Browser Plugin


  1. Visit our Alternative Access to Articles guide.
  2. Use the guide to determine which plugin is right for you.
  3. Install the plugin.
  4. Click the button (the location and appearance will depend on the plugin you choose) to access the article or to submit a request using our free request service called Delivery+.

Adjusting your Google Scholar Settings


  1. Go to Google Scholar.
  2. Click the icon with the three bars in the upper left.
  3. Click the gear to go to the Settings.
  4. Click Library links in the upper left.
  5. Search for University at Buffalo Libraries.
  6. Select University at Buffalo Libraries - View it @ UB.
  7. When you conduct a search, you will see View it @ UB links to the right of most citations.
  8. Click View it @ UB to access the full text or to submit Delivery+ requests for items we do not have immediate access to.

Using a DOI or PMID in allows for full-text retrieval of items via the UB Libraries by inputting either the digital object identifier (DOI) or PubMed Identifier (PMID) into the search box. These identifiers are unique to individual articles. If the full text of the item is available, a link to the article and/or PDF will be provided; if not, a link for "Library Access Options" will bring you back to the library website to request the item via Delivery+.


  1. Have the article DOI or PMID ready.
  2. Go to If you have never used a LibKey product before and this is your first time visiting, you will see a simple look-up page where you are invited to find an article by DOI or PMID. This page is only shown if an affiliation has not yet been set.
  3. Enter the DOI or PMID. 
  4. If you have not yet set your affiliation, LibKey will ask you to choose your affiliation or to declare yourself an unaffiliated user.
  5. Locate University at Buffalo - SUNY in the dropdown under Choose your organization to get started.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. When you input the DOI or PMID, click either Find DOI or Find PMID.
  8. If the article is immediately available, you will see PDF and/or article links. If it is not available, you will see a link labeled Library Access Options. Click that to initiate a Delivery+ request for the article.